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Star Wars I - The Phantom Menace

Utter rubbish, but enjoyable in some strange and peculiar way. The writing is atrocious, characters are bland, one dimensional and far too standard, and the acting is almost deadpan throughout without much in the way of drama or emotion. And yet, with Neeson being great, Yoda being, well, Yoda, and Ewan McGregor being utterly harmless, this wasn't a struggle to get through. It could be done so, so much better than it was, and I'm absolutely positive that if you removed the Star Wars name and Star Wars affiliations from the film then it would have bombed, but not even the slight irritation caused by Jar Jar Binks could scare me away.

Still, it's only worth a lowly 3/10, just a relatively enjoyable 3/10.


I've never seen this film before - at least not in its entirety, as I discovered half way through that I have seen segments of the film before - so after watching 'Nicholas Cage loses his shit', I decided to check out the Nic Cage films I haven't seen. I rag on him quite a bit because he sucked balls in Knowing, I didn't enjoy Matchstick Men, and Gone in sixty seconds was redeemable because I was just shy of being a teenager, and Angelina Jolie is way hot. That and it has cars. Anyway, this was really fun and I found myself emotionally invested in Cage's performance as Travolta, both played their parts very well and I have managed to continue the trend of only seeing decent to good Travolta performances. I rate this film, and whilst there are some unnecessary scenes (the face lifting springs to mind) and quite a few moments of ridiculousness, the film as a whole delivers and I really enjoyed it.

I'll slam a rating of 8/10 on it, even if that feels a bit bloated. I'd rather a 7.5, but decimals are weak. My low expectations and lack of knowing how well rated the film is probably contribute to the higher rating, but it was good. Anyone that hasn't seen it, go do so, it's a very good film.

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Skyfall - I thought it was brilliant. It had a real Bond villain (Bardem is fantastic) and it felt more like a modern Bond film. Mendes shoots some beautiful sequences and makes plenty of nods to past movies. Just a really, really fun action film.

Some Like It Hot - Incredible. I've come to love both Billy Wilder and Jack Lemmon lately, with The Apartment probably being one of my favouriite films now. Yeah I know the film's more known for Monroe, but I enjoyed Lemmon and Curtis in this so much more. The laughs still stand up, and again, it's just a fun film.

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Skyfall - I thought it was brilliant. It had a real Bond villain (Bardem is fantastic) and it felt more like a modern Bond film. Mendes shoots some beautiful sequences and makes plenty of nods to past movies. Just a really, really fun action movie.

Skyfall was better than I thought it would be. And the trailer really doesnt do Bardem justice. That said, something about Bond films just rubs me the wrong way. I think its either the independence of each film or that its generally aimed at "lads".

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The Man with the Iron Fists is awesome. I love that they made the symbol of office a title belt. Great over-the-top martial arts with a lot of very fun fighting styles, my favorite being the Gemini. Only thing that really disappointed me was that they added a lot of orchestral hits to the music, but it was just kind of overlaid onto rap tracks. Would have rather just heard the Wu-Tang and whoever else they brought on.

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Skyfall, other than The Spy Who Loved Me, this is my favorite Bond movie. Just pure awesomeness all around, and Craig is making an amazing Bond. Villain was awesome, the MI6 people were great, and one of the Bond movies where it just seemed to fly by.

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Argo was fun, though I'd say it was a little short of The Town and Gone Baby Gone in quality. The Hollywood bits were much better than the Iran stuff. Worth catching because John Goodman, Alan Arkin and Bryan Cranston are brilliant. But you already knew that.

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Pierrot le Fou - My first introduction to Godard and it was interesting to say the least. The film felt like it went on a lot longer than it's 110 minute running time and some of the story was somewhat frustrating to follow, but some of it was outright beautiful and so absorbing. The wit and comedy still has its effect sixty years on and the interactions between the two characters are really great. It was a very different film experience, but one I still enjoyed. I'm definitely going to make sure I watch Breathless and A Bande Apart, as we saw clips from them too.

The Master - Everyone should go see this just for the scenes between Phillip Seymour Hoffman, who I could argue has never been better, and Joaquin Phoenix because they're just brilliant. At the very least both performances deserves oscar nominations and some of the sequences were so impressive and so hard hitting. I'm not sure how I feel about the end of the film, it kind of felt like they didn't know how to end it, but I could've watched these characters interact for another hour, ontop of the 140 or so minutes. I'm a big Paul Thomas Anderson fan and I'd say this is really worth watching.

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