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Paranormal Activity 2 was pretty good. I liked the first more because it was more intimate and a little claustraphobic. The bigger house in the second one did lead into some great moments, but it hurt the atmosphere a little. Also, since it follows the formula from the first, you kind of expect stuff to happen.

Mega Shark Versus Crocosaurus - the first 20 minutes are "so bad its good". Then it crosses the line for the remaining 60 minutes. It's just too stupid. It actually gave me a headache.

Bride of Re-Animator was fun. I really enjoyed Re-Animator, so seeing more of Herbert West was great.

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Saw Here Comes The Boom today. I gotta' say, it took a little bit to believe that Kevin James could actually be considered a decent MMA fighter, but they made it fairly realistic. The final match ended in a way that was unique from the other fight outcomes during the film, so that was cool. The cast was fun, and it's always amusing to see Kevin Bacon in authority roles.

Also liked the fact that the final scene wasn't the end of the final fight, or even the final result of the point of the story. Instead, the final scene answered the one question that would have lingered in my mind if they had ended it where most films like this would have thought, "Okay, this works as the close."

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D.L. Hughley: The Endangered List

It's a comedy special, sort of in the same vein as The Daily Show's field pieces. Fucking tremendous. If you get a chance to watch it, do so.

Holy shit, yeah, that was pretty great. Especially the bits with the minister.

"I'm trying to save the black man from people like.. well, you -- "

"Save them from me?"

"Not you, but people.. like.. you."

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Lost Highway - I liked it, but not as much as I thought I would. As a big Lynch fan (Twin Peaks and Mulholland Drive being two of my favourite things ever made) I was pretty hyped for this. But it was kind of slow and hard to follow at times (but I guess I should've expected that.) It had some really beautiful imagery and some really nice moments, but overall I felt it lacked something that have made some of his work so impressive. I feel I'm suffering with watching Lynch films because I've got my hopes so high, and I've waited a long time to get a hold of some of his films (I've been waiting to watch this film for a year) that I'm sometimes a little let down. Upon reflection I like this film more and more, but I still didn't like it as much as I imagined I would. I'm not sure what it is, I think he might've got the pacing a little wrong, maybe.

The Bicycle Thieves - Fantastic film which provoked a lot of emotion through very simple set ups. Really enjoyed this one.

Battleship Potemkin - For its time, it's a very impressive film. It's good it's quite short because I didn't find it engaging at some points. The Odessa sequences if magnificant and holds up extremely well even now. I saw a bit of 'Stike!' the other day and I've got 'October' to watch, but I've heard this is Eisenstein's best work, so we'll see how the others compare.

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Paranormal Activity 4. Fuck. I mean... what happened?

It literally told us nothing new about the story. That's what keeps me going back, despite the scares. I want to know what the deal is with Toby, the Coven, the witches, Hunter and Katie. And this film did nothing to further that, which I really didn't like. It just left more questions... who's Robbie? Why did they give up Hunter in the first place? How did he get into adoption? Who were all those women?

I mean, as a Paranormal Activity film, it delivered well enough on the tension, but it's like... one half of a PA film. It's like they took all the mythos out of it and just kept the scares. This definitely felt a lot more like "Hey, we can squeeze another one out before finishing the series" than anything else. I was hoping this wouldn't turn into just a cash cow and they had a vision for the overall story, because it's felt like they have in the past, but man. This film felt a lot more like a cash grab than a continuation.

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Paranormal Activity 4. Fuck. I mean... what happened?

It literally told us nothing new about the story. That's what keeps me going back, despite the scares. I want to know what the deal is with Toby, the Coven, the witches, Hunter and Katie. And this film did nothing to further that, which I really didn't like. It just left more questions... who's Robbie? Why did they give up Hunter in the first place? How did he get into adoption? Who were all those women?

I mean, as a Paranormal Activity film, it delivered well enough on the tension, but it's like... one half of a PA film. It's like they took all the mythos out of it and just kept the scares. This definitely felt a lot more like "Hey, we can squeeze another one out before finishing the series" than anything else. I was hoping this wouldn't turn into just a cash cow and they had a vision for the overall story, because it's felt like they have in the past, but man. This film felt a lot more like a cash grab than a continuation.

These are my feelings entirely. Ive always been impressed by how theyve kept the series going on a somewhat sensible and interesting arc. Especially considering how most horror series go.

But yeah, 4 was so disappointing. I havent heard answers for any of your questions and they didnt earn any of the jump scares either.

The film didnt advance the plot in any way and probably did more harm than good to the series.

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Man With The Iron Fists

A hilariously cheesy kung-fu movie with a pretty great cast (minus RZA...who starred, wrote, directed, and a bunch of other things)! Really loved Russel Crow and Lucy Lu in it, both were awesome in their roles. Good fight scenes, lots of cheesy gore...it was everything I was hoping for and more.

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