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Good Burger - 5.5/10 or (**) While it teeters stupidity (mostly because of who it's aimed for, think about it) with the moment of humor (Abe Vigoda in this flick was KEWL...), Good Burger will be liked by anybody who remembers the great Nick days of old.


50 First Dates - 7/10 or (**1/2) A pretty decent Sandler rom-com with some good laughs and all that stuff Sandler fans like. Otherwise, I liked it.

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Kinsey - *** (6/10)

From writer/director Bill Condon, "Kinsey" is the adventurous biopic of Alfred Kinsey, a scientist who broke ground on researching sexual behavior. It stars Liam Neeson, the actor who announced his retirement in 1999 after "The Phantom Menace" and has seemingly had trouble letting go. The film traces Kinsey's life, with creative narration in the same format that he would go on to use in quizzing people about their sexuality. In it, they trace his childhood, marriage, sexuality and relationships with vivid detail and candor. Rounding out the cast are Laura Linney, Peter Sarsgaard, Chris O'Donnell, John Lithgow and Oliver Platt. While much has been said about the film's performances, the only one I thought to have stood out was Linney's, as she is the only person who really gave any light to what those left at home had to go through on these road trips. John Lithgow is good in his few scenes, but the idea of him playing the father of a Neeson character is not only laughable, it's idiotic. Still, the movie is very daring, and is willing to go to great lengths to make its point. In the end, the message is an important one: people ought to get the facts on issues before they let "morality" effect their opinions. Thumbs up.

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Fahrenheit 9/11 - 7/10

Just didn't keep my attention that well, and seemed a little directionless in places. Still worth the watch though, and maybe just didnt grab me, because I'm not American.........

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I saw me a lot of shit over the course of yesterday, and today morning:

Pulp Fiction - 10-/10

What can I say about this film that hasn't already been said?

Reservoir Dogs - 10/10

I rarely give movies perfect scores, and I actually try to NOT do it because very few movies are perfect, but I felt that both of these were, quite simply, some of the best movies I have ever seen.

Star Wars (First one) - 7/10

While it was a good film, I didn't feel it was the godly film a lot of people try to make it out to be. Making it was that it was in Spanish, I dunno. (Thank Mexico for that)

Once Upon A Time In Mexico - 8/10

Great action flick, with great actors. This is one of my favorite movies last year (I didn't see it when it was in theaters, so it's a 2004 movie), and a great deal of that is thanks to Johnny Depp, who is once again brilliant in this film.

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Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events - ***1/2 (7/10)

"Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events" is directed by Brad Siberling ("Casper") and features stars such as Jim Carrey, Meryl Streep, Louis Guzman, Catherine O'Hara and the narration of Jude Law. It tells the story of three children (Emily Browning, Liam Aiken, Kara and Shelby Hoffman) who are orphaned when their parents die in a car crash, only to be put in the care of Count Olaf (Jim Carrey), a psychopathic D-grade actor who tries to kill then in order to gain their inheritance. Even as they run from him, he pursues them and sabotage's their efforts. Can they escape Olaf's clutches and live a perfectly normal, fortunate life? This is a movie that's hard to comment on much because it doesn't really have any strengths or weaknesses. It's a well written, well made and well directed film. There's nothing specifically excellent about it, other then perhaps its consistency. It is very watchable though. If there's one thing I can say, it is that this isn't really a children's movie, especially if you take into account the dark themes or tense moments. Alas, Jim Carrey bat 1.000 this year. Thumbs up.

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Hero - 7/10

I was too busy eating, and trying to stop my kid cousin from breaking the shit in the living room to pay much attention to the films (which is needed, what with the sub-titles and everything) but from what I did get/see, this movie is good enough. I'll probably give it a second watch tomorrow, and focus more on it.

Spider-Man 2 - 9/10

Great movie overall, and I really loved this movie, despite the fact that I thought it was going to be horrible the first time it came out. Boy was I wrong.

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Eurotrip - 6/10 or (**1/2) A nice mix of Euro shenanigans and comedy. Not too bad.


Striptease - 4/10 or (*1/2) A story so convolted in its execution that only one character is even likable in its mix (Ving Rhames, who tapped the fourth coolest character in Pulp Fiction for his bodyguard role).

And now, films I have raised the grade of.


Saving Silverman - 7/10 or (**1/2) Up from 6. Because plot doesn't matter in slapstick.


True Lies - 8/10 or (***) Because it is worthy of an 8.

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Dumb and Dumber: 8.5/10

An amazing comedy with hilarious moments in every moment you look at Jim Carrey.

Edited by Laice_
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Dude, I'm LOVING AMC!!

The War of the Worlds - 8/10

The old classic. You gotta love those cheap effects.

Jackie Brown's on right now, followed by Carlito's Way, so I'll edit this when those movies are done. AMC kicks ass.

EDIT - Okay, so I fell asleep during Carlito's Way.

Jackie Brown - 5/10

Not Tarantino's best work, by far, even with both DeNiro and Samuel L. Jackson as leading roles. Maybe this proves that he shouldn't do movies with a linear storyline? I dunno. But this wasn't good.

Edited by Mysterio2000X
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Blazing Saddles- 7.5/10 Hilarious movie. Mel Brooks is a good director, and this is the second best that I've seen of him(Young Frankenstein being the first).


S.W.A.T.- 7/10 Good action flick. Samuel L. Jackson is great as usaul. Colin Farrel is quickly becoming one of my favorite actors(I thought he was good in The Recruit, as much as it sucked).


Nightmare on Elm Street Part 3: Dream Warriors- 7/10 Good horror film. My second most favorite out of the entire series behind only the original. A young Laurence Fishburne is in this one as well.


Nightmare on Elm Street Part 4: Dream Master- 6/10 OK addition to the series. Wasn't the best, and wasn't one of my favorites, but still somewhat decent.

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Boat Trip - 4.5/10 or (*1/2) I'm amazed that I actually laughed any at this. The plot is stilted and the men are far too perverted to be likable, but it actually had a few funny moments. Still, it is a major step down for Cuba Gooding Jr.

EDIT: For those wondering about the minor drop in the grade (it was a 5 just a second ago), blame it on me remembering a scene that was just plain vile and inappropriate, even in a R-rated sex comedy.

Edited by TheROC-Revolt
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Without A Paddle - 9/10

Wow, just amazing. I was expecting to see some horror movie tonight at the cinema, something called 'White Noise' I think. Anyway me and my two mates found out it wasn't out till next week, so we went with this movie. One of my favourite movies of the year right here, surprised me more than ever. I didn't expect it to be anything special but I came out of the movie thinking it was one of the best films I've seen in along time. The comedy in this is just top notch, some hilarious scenes. Dax Shepard is one of the coolest guys of all time. He's just pure hilarious if you ask me. The movie was overall greatness and I cant wait to get it once it's out on DVD.

Edited by JohnnyPerfect
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