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Enemy at the Gates - 6/10 or (**1/2) A decent war movie backed up with a good job by Weisz (this has gotta be like the 4th film I've seen her do a good job in) and an awesome small role by Ron Perlman (who has always made everything cooler no matter how big the role).


William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet - 5/10 or (**) Baz Luhrmann had a good idea with the movie by taking the dialogue straight out of the play, but infusing this to a late-90s audience in a late-90s atmosphere proves it to be disastrous.

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Mean Girls - 7/10

It's pretty much Heathers without the dark comedy and with less cool characters. I liked it, but it wasn't extraodinary.

The Incredibles - 8/10

Very fun. Not Finding Nemo or Toy Story good, but good.

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Secretary - 8.5/10 or (***1/2) Viewing two, still was great. I'll probably be watching this again, even if I'm one of only two EWBers( :shifty: ) to ever actually watch it. <_<

Edited by TheROC-Revolt
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I saw it a couple months ago. Never actually rated it, although in retrospect it would have probably been somewhere in the 6-7 range. A bit too much second act if you ask me, but very strong performances.

Anyway, I don't feel like actually elaborating, but I saw the first Bridget Jones Diary today. ****. I'm glad Zellweger didn't butcher her British characters like non-Brit actors so often do. Hugh Grant is excellent in the movie, and the small parts Colin Firth is featured in are good. I just love how smart this script is, and the way the leading lady isn't so phony. Definite thumbs up. Hmm, guess I did feel like elaborating.

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I saw it a couple months ago. Never actually rated it, although in retrospect it would have probably been somewhere in the 6-7 range. A bit too much second act if you ask me, but very strong performances.

Yeah, some of the kink stuff in act 2 is bound to turn off a lot of people from liking it. But I liked it because of the originality of the concept and the great performances by Spader and Gyllenhaal. Also, I really didn't mind the second act myself, but when you see something as vile as Thirteen, you tend to like the strange but not as vile things more than you would've if you just saw it alone.

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I saw it a couple months ago. Never actually rated it, although in retrospect it would have probably been somewhere in the 6-7 range. A bit too much second act if you ask me, but very strong performances.

Yeah, some of the kink stuff in act 2 is bound to turn off a lot of people from liking it. But I liked it because of the originality of the concept and the great performances by Spader and Gyllenhaal. Also, I really didn't mind the second act myself, but when you see something as vile as Thirteen, you tend to like the strange but not as vile things more than you would've if you just saw it alone.

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Just Married - 5.5/10 or (**) Meh Ashton, meh Britney, meh everything, but still not a bad flick to watch and laugh at. I recommend it for decent watchable entertainment.


Underworld - 5.5/10 or (**) With massive style and a lack of well....stability, Underworld is an iffy vampire/werewolf flick with that whole Matrix-look thing. So, that's it...

Tonight, I review the WHOLE Matrix trilogy, stay tuned for that clever work. Until then, I'm out.

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