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The In Crowd - 1/10

Holy hell, this was bad. Shit acting, a plot that surprises all of no one, and Z-grade direction and soundtrack. And to think, a major studio actually backed $15 million into this piece of shit.

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Deathproof (UK/EUROPE Extended release cut thing) 8/10

Saw the Euro extended Death Proof on release (apparently we get a Vanessa Ferlito lap-dance amongst other extra's), and I enjoyed it. Its a good film, with a HUGE enjoyability/fun factor, expecially the final third which is just kick-ass fun. Kurk Russell is great as Stuntman Mike. There is only the odd bit that isn't good, an early LOOOOONNNGGGGGGGG scene with some of the girls taking during a car journey is utterly boring and goes on forever, but thats the only part the drags. As usual for Tarantino, he has the style SPOT on, and there are some cool references to his other movies, mostly Kill Bill. There are also some genuine shock moments, which is a hard thing to achieve.

There was also a trailer for Planet Terror which looks like it's going to be amazing.

When it comes to DVD releases, I HOPE we get this extended version, rather than be ripped off paying for Deathproof alone on DVD and getting the shorter half of Grindhouse version - if they release Deathproof as a single entity on DVD, it'd better be this extended cut.

But yeah, not an amazing FILM, but a fucking fun one, with a great style. Has a great ending too, in a weird way.

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Disturbia 7.5/10

Not so much a re-make of Rear Window, Disturbia is more loosely based on the Hitchcock classic. It goes for much less slow-build suspense than Rear Window, and is much less claustrophobic, as the film has many different settings and locations, although it is mainly contained in the house of Shia LaBeouf's character.

After a very enjoyable opening third setting the story and introducing characters effectively, and a good second act that advances the plot, the final 'action-resolution' third act is WAY too much of a teen horror movie, and is very silly. It could have been much smarter, more subtle and psycological and much more about building suspense (like Rear Window) than it actually is. However, it still isn't bad, as it's still a well done example of this kind of work, and is enjoyable enough (as is the rest of the film). It's really a case of it being not the best way to the the story, rather than it being a BAD way.

As per usual, Shia LaBeouf owns, and most of the rest of the cast is good. Really don't expect story-telling and slow-build suspense like Rear Window, but do expect a well made, enjoyable film with a silly 'Action over story/suspense etc', but still enjoyable resolution, and with a great performance from the lead. So enjoyable in fact, it's a potential 8/10.

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Tell Me You Love Me - S1E3 - 2.5/10

Tell HBO that making a series with prosthetic handjobs and realistic fucking amid the realization that OH NOEZ RELATIONSHIPS R HARD, as well as dull writing and bad acting doesn't make a solid series. It makes a pretentious softcore porn series. At least with Californication, there's cleverness throughout amidst the barrage of sex. Maybe HBO should learn a thing or two from Showtime...

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Grandma's Boy - 2/10

Wait wait wait, which one is supposed to be the likable one? The only character that seems to be the slightest bit emphatic towards is Linda Cardellini's character, and honestly that's just pity for where her career seems to be going. I get that the plot is about a bunch of losers who are supposed to be mockable, but really, what's the point? The movie's unfunny, so it takes away that. Allen Covert is a lying asshole in the movie, so it takes away the empathy of the main character. And yet, we're supposed to cheer him on against the robot voice guy and take that seriously. Hell, even Jonah Hill sucking on a chick's tit can't save it. Kind of like Vulgar without the rape. (No wait, that's just replaced with the main character jizzing on a chick.)

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Red Eye 7/10

A competant thriller starring Cillian Murphy and Rachel McAdams, Red Eye is the sort of film where nothing is wrong or bad at all, but nothing stands out or is particularly great either. Murphy and McAdams are both good, and Brian Cox is fine in his small role. The plot is a good idea, however the way in which it is done isn't particulary engaging but it's not really boring either. The last twenty-minute action 'chasing round a house' section isn't bad, but it's not as good as the previous sixty/seventy minutes of thriller, which does feature some nice moments. I woulnd't say Red Eye is something you should go out of your way to see, but there are many worse things that could happen to you if you sort of stumble into it.

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The Number 23 - 7.5/10

Excellent story, very good idea, great central performance from Jim Carrey, decent to good film. There are just too many periods where for too long the film ins't engaging or interesting enough. Some of the twists at the end seem to lack the impact they might. Even though coincidence is a main part of the film, some of the events are just too much of a coincidence. Still, the final film is certainly watchable, and as mentioned the idea and main performance are great.

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In Red Eye, I thought the movie was great, until the house scene. Murphy lost all of the 'scare' his character had, because McAdams had the jump on him, everytime.


Disturbia is a solid 7, maybe 7.5.

28 Weeks Later is 7.5 I reckon - I really enjoyed that movie.

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Once Upon A Time In The West - 9/10

I've never been big on westerns, so I didn't know what to expect from this. I came away pretty damn satisfied. Jason Robards as the bandit Cheyenne framed for murders he didn't commit by Henry Fonda's murderous character Frank allies with Charles Bronsons' Harmonica, who's after Frank for vengeance, but his motives (aside from revenge) aren't revealed until near the end of the film, when Frank and Harmonica have a showdown. This was just an absolutely ace film, fun, thought provoking, I'd recommend it to anyone who likes westerns or Sergio Leone.

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Glad to see I'm not alone. When I saw it, I was watching it with my mom, and she didn't get what I meant, but not many women I've spoke to about it have understand my point. He's built up, and up, and it's great to watch. The plane attack bit is awesome, and just builds him up more. Then as soon as he enters the house, the movie gets ruined.

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Glad to see I'm not alone. When I saw it, I was watching it with my mom, and she didn't get what I meant, but not many women I've spoke to about it have understand my point. He's built up, and up, and it's great to watch. The plane attack bit is awesome, and just builds him up more. Then as soon as he enters the house, the movie gets ruined.
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The Game Plan: 7/10

Quick match that saw Rock pick up the win over The Little Girl after a Rock Bottom and a People's Elbow.

But yeah, just a cute little family comedy. Nothing terrible, nothing particularly special, but good for what it was. I thought Rock did well...a little too fake and over the top at first, but better once things got rolling. Roselyn Sanchez's big part was a pleasant surprise, considering I didn't even know she was going to be in the movie.

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The Family Guy "Star Wars" was awesome. Completely makes up for the disappointing Simpsons premiere, and the continued existence of King of the Hill.

You're kidding yeah? It was pretty weak stuff, it would've been OK were it just a half an hour but as it stands it was an hour and just dragged on. There were very few bits that made me laugh out loud.

And shut yo' goddamn mouth, King of the Hill is a rock solid show.

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Captivity: 5/10 - Seemed like a less gory version of Saw to me. And probably one that won't have a sequel. Oh well, Elisha Cuthbert was good to look at I suppose.

Vacancy: 6/10 - Enjoyed this alot. The masks on the "killers" were great. Both Kate Beckinsale and Luke Wilson were good in it.

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Chasing Amy 8/10

Great stuff. A lot more serious than I thought, it's more drama than comedy (there isn't a gag in the last half an hour), but it's still pretty engaging stuff, and its one of the few romantic drama's ever where I've actually given a damn about the leads, and I got quite into the ending. To say there is a lot of drama, where there is humour it's hilarious (it IS Kevin Smith), although the two funniest scenes come VERY early on, they are side-splitting, and there are many other little giggles. As usual, a few bits of dialogue are unrealistic, and there are a few of the characters actions that are just stupid in a "someone would NEVER do that seriously" sort of way, but on the whole this is very good stuff.

Con Air 8/10

Ah absurd action movies. Some badly done crappy romantic scenes, apart from that, this is fun.

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