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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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Assuming he couldn't be killed until the rest of his Mafia were, all it'd do is completely limit the power of the Don. Anything he had to say wouldn't be taken seriously, so it's just giving the Mafia less chance to sway the town. He might as well just stay completely silent for the entire game. Given that the Mafia has a hard enough time winning games these days, it wouldn't make anything any better.

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I actually think it'd be an interesting experiment because it gives the Don free reign to act like an utter douche. So long as he's not the one doing the kills (and so can't be roleblocked), it'd be fun for him at least. We had a situation like that in WCMIII when Zan was the Sunday Strip Mafia Don and we all knew he was the Don almost from the beginning.

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But surely the known Don jumping on a lynch attempt could clear one of his mafia friends?

Doubt it. Smart players would just ignore everything he said, since it's obvious he'd only be trying to confuse people, and said players would probably manage to get the rest of the town to do the same. It just wouldn't be worth the handicap on the Mafia in my opinion.

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Oh, and this reminds me (yet it's completely unrelated to the discussion):

I do indeed to run Twelve Angry Men Mafia sometime relatively soon. I announced this ages ago (before my meltdown and brief disappearance), but I only this week figured out how I want to run it. I'll of course be waiting my turn, and will likely wait until the current mafia apathy dies out, but I do want to get the news out.

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Zan had a merry old time in one of the Web Comic Mafias when he was revealed as don. He couldn't be lynched while I lived, and nobody suspected me, so he just screwed with everyone's head while I protected him. Then MPH randomly killed me at night (If I die at night, it's usually MPH.) and he was exposed.

Edited by Plubby
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Zan had a merry old time in one of the Web Comic Mafias when he was revealed as don. He couldn't be lynched while I lived, and nobody suspected me, so he just screwed with everyone's head while I protected him. Then MPH randomly killed me at night (If I die at night, it's usually MPH.) and he was exposed.

It's true, look at Smash mafia.

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Oh, and this reminds me (yet it's completely unrelated to the discussion):

I do indeed to run Twelve Angry Men Mafia sometime relatively soon. I announced this ages ago (before my meltdown and brief disappearance), but I only this week figured out how I want to run it. I'll of course be waiting my turn, and will likely wait until the current mafia apathy dies out, but I do want to get the news out.

It occurs to me that before I get in too deep with this, I really should reveal the details of how it works, as it will be a big departure from the norm.

I'm hoping oldskool is okay with this, as I'm borrowing an idea he mentioned in this very thread.

The Basics:

- 12 players, as you would naturally assume.

- All role names would be revealed from the start, but alignments would not. Players would be encouraged to then gimmick post to their heart's content.

- The players that comprise the mafia would be selected at random, and role names would have zero bearing on alignment, in order to keep the GAME element in tact.

- There are no separate day/night periods, and is instead one continuous day inside a jury room, just like the film. This has everything to do with the next feature, which is the bit I've borrowed from oldskool.

- No one will have any killing abilities. In fact, for all intents and purposes, the players are either plain ol' mafia or plain ol' town.

- All eliminations would therefore take place through voting alone, in tribute to the film.

I would be adding in bits of story at the beginning and along the way to make these play mechanics make sense, in case you're wondering. The overall idea here is to make a fun, roleplay-ish, mafia-ish game that's as true to the spirit of the film as possible, without ruining the fundamental element which makes it a game. It's sort of a modified vanilla mafia on steroids (if that makes any sense at all.) And, by the way, knowledge of the film or play would not be essential in order to play, but might simply make it a bit more fun.

I assume this leaves some things unexplained, so any questions, comments, criticisms, etc. are welcome.

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  • Admin

Listen up peeps.

Over the next few days I'm going to be tidying this place up a little.

However, there is one thing I wanted to ask you all.

My first thought was to move all the fully completed Mafias into the Great Cube Library and leave everything else here.

Then, my second thought was to make this a kind of Mafia Library of it's own, so move the finished Mafias from the GCL into here, and move any incomplete games into the Archives. Also, any current games running would be pinned, so as to keep them separate.

I'm leaning towards the 2nd option at the moment, but any thoughts?

Also, I'm thinking of doing away with the Mafia Registration thread. I'm sure you're all sensible enough to know who "owns" what, and if you don't, I'll stop you anyway.

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I'd definitely go with the second idea. I'd keep the Registration thread though. I know there's been a couple of times people have had the same idea for something - I think Heroes was one. And of course everybody and their mother seems to be wanting to do a comic book diary now.

Edited by Pesci
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