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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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I was thinking of having two sides, obviously. Men and Women. Both would, for the most part, be aligned together, with whichever side had the most of their sex at the end winning in the event of a town win. The main mafia would be the 'GLAAD/Homosexual' mafia, with gay men and women working in unison to bring down the hetero's. The bisexual would be the individual who could win with either side, a hermaphrodite who could chose a side (its a role you rarely see, but its around), and a tranny serial killer.

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As the GM I have no complaints about the way SDM Mafia is going down. If nothing else, the way the town banties about ludicrous ideas is incredibly bemusing.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head
People always go on autopilot in role-heavy games though. You try and avoid sticking your neck out so you can have fun with your powers in the evening. Absolutely nothing has happened in the X-Men game yet.

Not if there's only a couple going on at once.

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I'm probably not going to run mine either, at least for awhile. There's waaaaay too many and I couldn't stand running a shit game.

I blame myself for running like 30 games in a row. :(

I really don't think you had anything to do with it. It's really just the sheer volume of games that cropped up in a VERY short period of time, regardless of who ran them/their quality/etc.

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