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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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Can someone point out exactly what Pesci did that was so mind-blowingly awesome, because all I saw him do was call rocksta on a shitty 'obvious' play that panned out on rocksta and got TGC killed. I think if anything has been proven it's that there IS fuck all to do but bandwaggon at this stage, having no roles is boring as hell. I know Overlord is already annoyed at me and I don't mean offence against him, or Pesci, but really.

I think you're generalising it a bit there. I thought TGC was suspicious and saw that rocksta defended him by saying that my vote didn't make sense or something, even though it clearly did. I never said he was obviously Mafia or anything like that. Turns out I got lucky that rocksta was Mafia, but at least I tried something different. Contrary to what people say, there's always a lot to go on. No, going on posting content and the like won't always work but it has a better chance of working than hopeless bandwagoning.

And for what it's worth I wouldn't have voted for TGC if I was still alive. I agree with you that what I did wasn't awesome - it was stuff that everybody should be doing to be honest. And having no roles isn't boring as hell to all of us. Maybe you signed up for the wrong game? :-/

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Can someone point out exactly what Pesci did that was so mind-blowingly awesome, because all I saw him do was call rocksta on a shitty 'obvious' play that panned out on rocksta and got TGC killed. I think if anything has been proven it's that there IS fuck all to do but bandwaggon at this stage, having no roles is boring as hell. I know Overlord is already annoyed at me and I don't mean offence against him, or Pesci, but really.

I like getting involved in these games but I'm getting really fucking sick of people saying I'm stupid because I don't sit here for hours counting up every single post or vote and analysing everything under my high-powered microscope in the hopes that somebody will have made even the slightest ambigious statement that might be regarded as agenda-driven. This is my first Traditional Mafia, and so far nothing I've seen has proven it to be any fun whatsoever with the lack of some sort of power roles. You can talk about strategy all you want, but all you can hope for is that someone slips up, like rocksta did, so I don't get why everyone is being so condescending about it.

I'm enjoying it. Maybe it's just me though.

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Of course it's your fault! If you hadn't given in and made this game, all these plebs would still be in awe of my gigantic brain. All of this is your fault, and I demand reparations you evil bastard.

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Can someone point out exactly what Pesci did that was so mind-blowingly awesome, because all I saw him do was call rocksta on a shitty 'obvious' play that panned out on rocksta and got TGC killed. I think if anything has been proven it's that there IS fuck all to do but bandwaggon at this stage, having no roles is boring as hell. I know Overlord is already annoyed at me and I don't mean offence against him, or Pesci, but really.

No, Pesci said that rocksta did something stupid and that it would be the best bet to lynch him and he was right. He didn't say 'ROCKSTA IS MAFIA I KNOW IT' - he said that he thought it was a suspicious play and it was the best thing to go for, other people agreed. If you want to bandwagon random people to get to the night phase and have some fun then you're playing the wrong game.

I like getting involved in these games but I'm getting really fucking sick of people saying I'm stupid because I don't sit here for hours counting up every single post or vote and analysing everything under my high-powered microscope in the hopes that somebody will have made even the slightest ambigious statement that might be regarded as agenda-driven. This is my first Traditional Mafia, and so far nothing I've seen has proven it to be any fun whatsoever with the lack of some sort of power roles. You can talk about strategy all you want, but all you can hope for is that someone slips up, like rocksta did, so I don't get why everyone is being so condescending about it.

Where the fuck did that come from? If you don't enjoy a game, don't play it, there's nothing different about this Traditional Mafia and you'll have seen what they're about. I don't really see the point about 'waiting for someone to slip up' either - that's exactly what the game's about. Mafia slip up and do something stupid and you have to try and figure it out. It's not just a case of 'waiting around' - people want to think that they get better at spotting mistakes, that's why they play these games.

I didn't imply that you were a dumbass for not wanting to analyse posts, is that what you want to believe? Get off your high horse and stop shitting on a game because it's not what you want to play, there have been plenty of non-power role mafias and if you don't want to play then ask to be killed or something. They're different kinds of games - in role mafias people shut the fuck up during the day so they don't get killed by the mafia or lynched because people think they've got an agenda and then the meat of the game happens at night when people use their powers. If you like to play games where you might get a kickass role you play those games, if you want to analyse everything under your high-powered microscope then you play Traditional Mafia games. If you think people are trying to make you feel stupid for not liking this game then you're just as likely to be trying to make people feel like anal, detail-obsessed losers when the reality is that PEOPLE LIKE DIFFERENT THINGS.

I'm shit at playing with the roles because I don't have a clue what's going on and I invariably end up getting killed for talking about how people coming across in the thread. In Traditional Mafia games people know that there's nothing else to go on so they do talk in the thread and people try to contribute. When I'm mafia I know what I try to do and how I try to come across and when I'm town I try and look for people doing the same things, is that such a horrible thing to want to do?

My post was asking whether people thought that it was 'good town play' to pick someone quiet/stupid in the first few days and lynch them, I wasn't saying 'you are stupid for not examining people's posts.' Obviously you had a rant building up but save it for when someone's actually calling you stupid.

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Of course it's your fault! If you hadn't given in and made this game, all these plebs would still be in awe of my gigantic brain. All of this is your fault, and I demand reparations you evil bastard.

Your stupid face would have given it away, on account of how stupid it looks/is.

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If you think people are trying to make you feel stupid for not liking this game then you're just as likely to be trying to make people feel like anal, detail-obsessed losers

That was exactly what I was aiming for. I'm throwing my toys out the pram here, don't think you can derail me mid-rant.

If it's not a case of waiting around for the mafia to slip up, what exactly do we do in the meantime?

Your stupid face would have given it away, on account of how stupid it looks/is.

This is irrelevant. I'll be damned if I'm changing tact now, so it's still your fault.

Edited by Kaney
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If it's not a case of waiting around for the mafia to slip up, what exactly do we do in the meantime?

Look at people who come across as false, tell everyone why and vote for them. 2 successful mafia lynches in the first 4 days with almost nothing to go on proves that it can work, it's not just random or they'd have been lucky to get even 1 mafia guy. Even if it's a shitty pretext you have for accusing someone, the way they defend themselves gives you even more information - that's why bandwagons are totally pointless. If someone has a couple of votes against them they have to explain themselves and talk and you can see whether you believe them or not. If the first vote goes on someone and everyone rapidly bandwagons you've lost that option.

For example, if someone says 'I guarantee I am town' you might assume they're mafia and trying to put some weight behind their defence when they don't actually have any good points. If they say 'why would that mean that I'm mafia' you might think they're mafia because they're asking you 'how could you know I'm mafia just from that?' If someone slips up and says 'when I come out as mafia...' you might think they've made a Freudian slip.

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Traditional Mafia is more stressful than fun, unless you're actually mafia. It takes so much work and I'd just rather, well, just not do the shit(hence being all "I am going to modkill myself soon" bit <_<).

It is only exciting if you come in in the last three pages, go "him, him and him are probably mafia" and you win the game for the town. Otherwise it's a stressful game that if you put effort into it you'll be offed.

So Kaney is actually outworking all of you by not giving a shit, I do not give a shit either. Wonderful, wonderful.

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