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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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If I were mafia this is how my kills would go: 1. DMN, he lost me the game in Final Fantasy Tactics, I always try to kill him cause he's always sketchy of me. 2. GoGo, too good to leave alive past night two, 3. Pesci/TSSTB, somehow always partly responsible for my death, 4. Be/MPH - they talk too much.

Just so you know, you started that :shifty:

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

A question for the masses.

I'm starting Avengers Mafia in two and a half weeks or so, and I currently have 38 roles typed up. Obviously, any game with 38 roles is going to be a huge clusterfuck. So, which option would people prefer?

1) An all-inclusive game for as many people as sign up (as I'm sure I won't get 38), that will almost certainly be a huge clusterfuck.

2) A less clusterfucky game for the first 15-20 people to sign up.

3) A less clusterfucky game for 15-20 people, with me choosing out of potentially more signups the ones I think would be most active.

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One sounds like fun, unless, like the above poster, you can promise me that I am in. Then 3.

To clarify, 1 all the way. Giant clusterfuck of superpowered heroes/villians/whatever, how can you say no?

Edited by D-Day
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I admit I played a dodgy game in SSBM. I have a tendency to let revenge take control of me. I'm a much better scum player than town, and I'm probably not a person I would want hanging around a mafia game if I wasn't me, because I can be dangerous.

Also, I don't know where MPH has this idea I'm out to get him in a certain mafia, I only distrust him because he's a good player, and there's no clear leads. We all know I'm a paranoid townie.

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I'd actually love to see somebody run a Mafia with nothing but relatively inexperienced players. It might be interesting to see how the dynamics work, plus it would assure that every game's "HE'S NEW, KILLIT KILLIT KILLIT" tendencies would be somewhat quelled.

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I'd actually love to see somebody run a Mafia with nothing but relatively inexperienced players. It might be interesting to see how the dynamics work, plus it would assure that every game's "HE'S NEW, KILLIT KILLIT KILLIT" tendencies would be somewhat quelled.

Would be awesome, but there are obstacles depending on how you define 'relatively inexperienced.' Also, whether someone who would be willing to run something which had a good chance of turning into a giant clusterfuck of shitty play and inactives.

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Would be awesome, but there are obstacles depending on how you define 'relatively inexperienced.' Also, whether someone who would be willing to run something which had a good chance of turning into a giant clusterfuck of shitty play and inactives.

Well, I guess I'd consider it "people who have a reputation of getting killed early for no good reason" or something like that. For example, I've only been playing since about April, but I've developed a reputation as one of the "decent to good" players despite the fact that I never fucking win. I'm thinking of people like you and justblaze, but also perhaps people like Pleatherface, Ruki, Neji pwns, etc. who fall victim to the "No leads? Fuck it, let's lynch _______" curse that plagues a lot of games. It'd at least be an assurance that some of these players will live past Day 1.

"Giant clusterfuck of shitty play" is fine, because you learn to play better by playing shittily (...yes) and seeing where you go wrong. Inactivity might be a problem, but I have a feeling that many of these people might come into their own if they're not being shouted down by the players with good reputations, like DMN, MPH, Pesci, and me.

I'd just be very interested in seeing how the dynamics of such a game would play out.

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