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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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Did he doing anything good in the world of mafia? He's the only chance Newbie Mafia had of actually bringing anyone new in :shifty:

He was a very bad thief role in my last EWB Mafia, the only roles dumb enough to give him anything were Ruki and Slogger. :shifty:


That... that is actually quite priceless.

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I wanna play a game in general. I took a year off a little while after you left (it felt like a small part of me died :() and then came back a couple of months ago, and I was mafia in like 7 straight games (apart from RW's Batman game where I missed a ten-or-so-page day period due to being temporarily dead and couldn't get back into it). It was absolutely ridiculous since the more I was scum, the more I wanted to play as a townie and get stuck in. So that kinda put me off again. Plus big games around here tend to get 12-13 players posting and the rest lurk beyond belief, which I can't be doing with. I think I'm only gonna play small games from now on, so you'll have to wait until whenever the next one of those is :shifty:

Edited by Pesci
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Actually, looking at the list I'll probably sign up for at least the next 3 games because I haven't been in an MPH game for ages, Ruki's game is small enough to satisfy me and I've always thought RW runs the best games. Plus I'm just reallllllllly bored.

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Animaniacs is good too.

I think I had a couple of long streaks of scum roles. It's a bit depressing. I think I'm a town player at heart - it's less stressful enjoyment.

Yeah, I'm the same. What I enjoy the most is figuring out who's scum. That's not to say that I don't enjoy tricking people when I'm scum, but in most games that seems to be more about what fake claim you can muster up.

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I really hate Anime or Ruki's would be good. Maybe we can bribe Split into making his game 15 or less? Also, RW said he'd make us both bulletproof in his next game so that could be fun.

Don't have to like anime to have fun. All flavour and such.

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Did he doing anything good in the world of mafia? He's the only chance Newbie Mafia had of actually bringing anyone new in :shifty:

He was a very bad thief role in my last EWB Mafia, the only roles dumb enough to give him anything were Ruki and Slogger. :shifty:


That... that is actually quite priceless.

I am not surprised.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

Did he doing anything good in the world of mafia? He's the only chance Newbie Mafia had of actually bringing anyone new in :shifty:

He was a very bad thief role in my last EWB Mafia, the only roles dumb enough to give him anything were Ruki and Slogger. :shifty:


That... that is actually quite priceless.

I am not surprised.

For clarification, the role was designed so that he'd only get something if he targeted one of those two. Ace (who had the role) diligently sent in an action night after night even though he wasn't getting anything, but he never went for either of those two.

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