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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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Burny - watch the show. In fact, tune in on Thursday. The REAL Season 4 debut. I might miss it because Grey's Anatomy is my one addiction show, but trust me, the source material for Big Bang Theory Mafia is awesome.

I know I've watched every freaking episode hence the reason I'm mad I missed the mafia game fir that reason. Plus it's fucking norro mafia!

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True fact: I've seen a single episode of Big Bang, I only joined because it's a Norro game. And his games are usually baller.

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Also, you wouldn't be dead or non-existent to Descartes since he believed in a structure of the universe that was ultimately non-skeptical :@

Although most people credit John Nash as being the founder of game theory, this is a myth perpetuated by A Beautiful Mind. Although Nash was one of the first academics to study the theory of games, and his Nash equilibrium still holds today, the field originally was brought to life by mathematician Emile Borel, in his 1938 book 'Applications aux Jeux des Hazard'. The first book to focus entirely on game theory was published in 1944, Oskar Morgenstern and John von Neumann's 'Theory of Games and Economic Behaviour'.

...what? If Overload gets to flaunt his degree I want to as well

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Man, I don't know whose case to get on first.

Mostly Cloudy, since a) what Be said wasn't philosophy, it was lameness, and b) you are wrong, philosophy is awesome. But Be gets a special mention for trying to shoehorn whatever useless piece of 'knowledge' he gained from his 'degree' when it was totally irrelevant to the conversation.

In conclusion, fuck you all.

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Man, I don't know whose case to get on first.

Mostly Cloudy, since a) what Be said wasn't philosophy, it was lameness, and b) you are wrong, philosophy is awesome. But Be gets a special mention for trying to shoehorn whatever useless piece of 'knowledge' he gained from his 'degree' when it was totally irrelevant to the conversation.

In conclusion, fuck you all.

This coming from the man studying Philosophy.


Dude. Communications students laugh at you for your poor choice of subject.

(And fuck you, economics is awesome and game theory is really interesting)

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I have a Docterate in Kicking Ass, an Associates Degree in Taking Names, and I'm working on my thesis for Chewing Bubblegum.

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Philosophy is the only real subject. That's why the highest degree you can earn is called a PhD.

erm, higher levels of reserach doctorates exist in the UK, Ireland, France, some Scandinavian countries, some Commonwealth countries, and some of the former Eastern Bloc countries ... (ScD/LittD - Theol/Jur .. etc)

also, PhD stands for Piled Higher and Deeper ... pretty sure the rest can be figured out :P

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Philosophy is the only real subject. That's why the highest degree you can earn is called a PhD.

erm, higher levels of reserach doctorates exist in the UK, Ireland, France, some Scandinavian countries, some Commonwealth countries, and some of the former Eastern Bloc countries ... (ScD/LittD - Theol/Jur .. etc)

I'll take it you learned that from your degree in Looking At Wikipedia.

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So, how is life in the Mafia Cube? I've read a few of the recent games - seems like there are some well-designed games but not so much participation. Things on another downer?

I like the look of the Overall Play League as well, good change.

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