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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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Judge role worked out well in The Greatest WCW Mafia in the History of Our Sport. I think D-Extreme had it, which marks the best D-Extreme has ever played. Town used it to work out who both Hogan and Warrior were, and Warrior used it to figure out who Hogan was, giving him the win.

Hey the best I've ever played in a Sousa game was when I was Gillberg. Totally killed the zombie....then Erik Watts had to kill all my fun <_<

But yeah, I was surprised myself I got Hogan there. I was just really trying to vote out our day killer (Warrior) to be honest. But eh, he won so less kills for the game :D

Edited by D-Extreme
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Guest Mr. Potato Head

Personally I prefer letting a game play itself out rather than tortuous mod interference at every opportunity, but I'm pretty sure I'm in the minority on that one.

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No, I'm definitely with you. The less a game runner moderates, the better off the game is. I think Nick would do well to avoid that, especially given a glaring issue I'm beginning to see with his game that I'll speak about when it's over.

On a side note, has anyone ever ran/registered (do we still do that?) a Sons of Anarchy mafia?

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