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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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On the subject of Auto-lynches, lets all remember High-School Mafia, where I took out SDM on the first day in the middle of his arguing against someone.

Sure, it was more a daykill then a autolynch, but it was pretty badass (H)

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autolynch role? Well I can go back to videogame character mafia (the one of strongarm) and recall Acei (Luigi) autolynching Ruki (Master Chief/ the SK I think).

To be honest, I was thinking of reviving Ace at one point but I kept on reviving the one with the Samus role since the person was spot on with the mafia leads.

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Judge role worked out well in The Greatest WCW Mafia in the History of Our Sport. I think D-Extreme had it, which marks the best D-Extreme has ever played. Town used it to work out who both Hogan and Warrior were, and Warrior used it to figure out who Hogan was, giving him the win.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

I'm thinking of registering a game entitled Ruki gets horribly tortured in many and varied ways Mafia ??? Players

Why do you hate me!?

Because all though she is a maneater, you are too fat for her to chew up, therefore you do not need to watch out.

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SDM - please run BSG Mafia. I finished it all ages ago. And now, I want nothing more but to play BSG Mafia. I'll play like ten of the roles if I have to :shifty:

And Pesci, that wasn't a catch, that was you being a dick. :P And getting it right... :lol:

No it was you jumping on the bandwagon of some guy who was obviously town with poor logic and me lynching you based on a scum sign. It was fucking awesome!

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I'd mark for a Burn Notice mafia.

I considered it, but I didn't figure there were enough non-evil characters to make it work outside of having Westen, Sam Axe & Fiona as the mafia.

Plus, expanding it to USA mafia opened up a lot more fitting mafia roles. I suppose Michael could realistically pull off cop, doc, blocker or vig though...

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