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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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On top of that, as we've seen, not everyone is eager to play a game run by a new player, particularly when they're using a theme that's kind of out there. It slows the sign-up cycle if people are basically having to redo their games to cut roles. I learned this all the way back at Final Fantasy Tactics Mafia, which I had designed for about 30 players but only got about 18 sign-ups. I ended up cutting an entire mechanic from the game just to get it to run.

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It probably didn't help that we had three games running for sign-ups all in one go. I always took in the sense that you got a lot of players to sign-up by either having a theme everyone wanted to play, or more likely, by getting the reputation as a good game-runner. You or RW would have no problem commanding 30 or so sign-ups, because you guys have the reputation for a great game.

Also, if people are turned off games by lack-of-knoweldge of the subject of the mafia, the game runner isn't doing their game properly, in my eyes. It's their job to make the theme accessable to those who know it and don't.

And yeah Pleather, let's do it sometime. (H)

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

I've been playing for almost five years and I'm still scared to run a game in case it isn't perfect to a tee :(

You'll always be harder on your game than everyone else.

Well, unless there are gatekeepers involved.

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I make no promises on what roles stay and what roles go, but yeah, 30 now seems a bit much for my first game. Good thing the next one I try has half as many spaces...

Edited by Nick Adams
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Thanks, Sous. I'm certainly trying my damnedest not to screw up the next time my game comes up. Although, it's centered around a bloody teen soap drama, which means that I'm already thinking of which roles to cut as I'm pretty sure I won't get the full 21 slots filled. Which means that I'll be sad already, as all the roles seem pretty fun to me.

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And it could just be my silly over active imagination, but Short of An Officer and a Gentleman Mafia, Mel Brooks seems the best shot Louis Gosset ever has at making it into a EWB Mafia game as Black Bart, Bastardized Brooks Creation Mafia Aligned Lawman With a White Horse

Not true, as I have Iron Eagle Mafia in the works.

Nah, fuck Iron Eagle.

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