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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

Take your time, man. I can say from experience that EWB is nothing if not a compassionate and understanding forum. Except naiwf. He's a cunt.

Hey, hey. Potato Head is just as bad, thank you. He'll come in here and be all "lol he super dead" and think just because he finishes it with a :) that excuses it, the dirty great gay.

Hey, hey, I kept my not-all-that-tasteless-considering comment off EWB completely. :)

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Its Rugby. Kinda like gridiron, though since we're Aussie we don't need to be pansies and wear protective gear. :)

Update your game and stop mocking the greatest sport ever created. The only Aussie's who have been good enough to play in the NFL are punters :lol:

How many Americans in the AFL? :/

Why would any Americans want to play in the AFL? I can't imagine that the highest paid guy in the AFL makes even a fraction of what guys in the NFL do.

Ever think that maybe there are guys in the US who like to play Aussie Rules football? :/

Nah, me neither. I was joking about the Americans in the AFL comment, Aussie Rules sucks :shifty:

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It's called "Smear the Queer" because the idea is to pile on top of whoever has the ball, i.e. "the queer".

EDIT: In a completely unrelated note, I need some advice on how to re-balance Mel Brooks Mafia. I've given it a week for sign-ups, but I don't know what roles I can eliminate to still make game play similar to how I wanted it to go.

Edited by Nick Adams
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My first mafia was a miserable failure many years ago, but I am seriously considering trying to work up an Aliens vs Predator mafia sometime.

Also, I want to thank RW for an awesome game in Batman mafia. Looking forward to seeing the rest of how the game went down.

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Damn it are the donators having another rename bonanza? Don't make me pay money to participate, I'll do it! (Only if I get Professor Farnswoldskool, naturally)


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I concur. I don't think I've ran anything over 24 players, and I'm running like my seventh game. Large games are always great - Norro's Web Com 3 was awesome and a few others. But I think they're quite hard to balance out. I quite like the idea that someone suggested to me a while back of co-running larger games. Or at least co-creating. After Supernatural Mafia, I might have to take Pleather up on his offer and co-create a game with him or something. If he's still up for it (Y)

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