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Its Rugby. Kinda like gridiron, though since we're Aussie we don't need to be pansies and wear protective gear. :)

Update your game and stop mocking the greatest sport ever created. The only Aussie's who have been good enough to play in the NFL are punters :lol:

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Its Rugby. Kinda like gridiron, though since we're Aussie we don't need to be pansies and wear protective gear. :)

Update your game and stop mocking the greatest sport ever created. The only Aussie's who have been good enough to play in the NFL are punters :lol:

Lol, gridiron is almost as bad as rugby. 80 minute game, 3 hour broadcast. ZIS DOES NOT ADD UP! WHY DOES ZIS TAKE SOOO LONG TO PLAY?!?! /Pleather.

Also, re: AFL players - these "mere punters" come across to the NFL after they've spent the prime of their lives in the AFL. Basically you have old, broken-down Aussies treating your "great game" like nothing more than a boost to their superannuation.

PS: Nice sport.

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Its Rugby. Kinda like gridiron, though since we're Aussie we don't need to be pansies and wear protective gear. :)

Update your game and stop mocking the greatest sport ever created. The only Aussie's who have been good enough to play in the NFL are punters :lol:

How many Americans in the AFL? :/

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Its Rugby. Kinda like gridiron, though since we're Aussie we don't need to be pansies and wear protective gear. :)

Update your game and stop mocking the greatest sport ever created. The only Aussie's who have been good enough to play in the NFL are punters :lol:

How many Americans in the AFL? :/

Why would any Americans want to play in the AFL? I can't imagine that the highest paid guy in the AFL makes even a fraction of what guys in the NFL do.

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Don't you mean Rounders.

No, I mean baseball:

Rounders (Irish: cluiche corr) is a game played between two teams each alternating between batting and fielding. The game originated in England and has been played there since Tudor times, with the earliest reference being in 1745 in A Little Pretty Pocket-Book where it is called "baseball."
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Please forgive my being quiet the next couple of days, my stepdad's had a heart attack while we were in Holland and passed away.

Where as I can't say I'm TOO hurt as we never quite got along, my mum and halfbrother are obviously extremely upset so I will spend most my time supporting them, I do not wish to be replaced though, not yet anyway.

Thanks for understanding.

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Take your time, man. I can say from experience that EWB is nothing if not a compassionate and understanding forum. Except naiwf. He's a cunt.

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Take your time, man. I can say from experience that EWB is nothing if not a compassionate and understanding forum. Except naiwf. He's a cunt.

Hey, hey. Potato Head is just as bad, thank you. He'll come in here and be all "lol he super dead" and think just because he finishes it with a :) that excuses it, the dirty great gay.

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