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Guest Mr. Potato Head

It's occurred to me that there's only one play for me when I'm scum - balls-out townie, hoping I can bluff my way to victory. I think it was Norro's game where pizza said afterwards that he figured out I was scum, but decided it was easier to keep me around and work with me. I could never do that - if I was scum and thought somebody else was scum of a different alignment, I'd be leading the rush on them.

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Also, the annoying things about lie detectors are that they cannot be blocked.

So make them a night ability? When did it suddenly become a prerequisite for lie detection to be a daytime ability? That's stupid.

I don't use lie detectors in my games anymore primarily because I hate the sort of play style that they create. This "everybody post 'I am town'" bullshit isn't fun for me, so I don't inflict it on other people.

oldskool, have you had any success running Hugo on DOSBox? I've found the games but can't get them to run.

And I've found the concept at Mafiascum that I'm going to use. Curiously, one of the games it gives as an example is a Legends of the Hidden Temple Mafia, and one of my rough ideas was "wacky dystopian game show." Hmmmm.

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Also, the annoying things about lie detectors are that they cannot be blocked.

So make them a night ability? When did it suddenly become a prerequisite for lie detection to be a daytime ability? That's stupid.

I don't use lie detectors in my games anymore primarily because I hate the sort of play style that they create. This "everybody post 'I am town'" bullshit isn't fun for me, so I don't inflict it on other people.

oldskool, have you had any success running Hugo on DOSBox? I've found the games but can't get them to run.

And I've found the concept at Mafiascum that I'm going to use. Curiously, one of the games it gives as an example is a Legends of the Hidden Temple Mafia, and one of my rough ideas was "wacky dystopian game show." Hmmmm.

I was more adding to the discussion on current lie detectors instead of how to make them better. Usually, they're a day ability.

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oldskool, have you had any success running Hugo on DOSBox? I've found the games but can't get them to run.

I just played the Windows version. Of course, hell if I can find it now. I think one of my old hard drives has the first one on it, I've been meaning to reconnect that drive at some point...

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I think a lie detector who loses his ability the moment he admits he's a lie detector would be pretty solid. Sousa's dead on that the everybody post I am town days are awful.

It's occurred to me that there's only one play for me when I'm scum - balls-out townie, hoping I can bluff my way to victory. I think it was Norro's game where pizza said afterwards that he figured out I was scum, but decided it was easier to keep me around and work with me. I could never do that - if I was scum and thought somebody else was scum of a different alignment, I'd be leading the rush on them.

I get nightkilled more than lynched as scum for whatever reason, so I try to keep off the other scum groups radars. I tried to lynch you when Be was still alive, but the town was really bad and unwilling to do anything, and you were the most active player in the game, so I gave up on lynching you since my partners weren't in any danger.

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"Player X, I'm going to need you to post "I am town" or we're going to lynch you!" lie detecting and "claim or die!" claimfests are the gayest town strategies I've played with or against.

If you're going to implement day time lie detection I think it should only work a limited number of times depending on the number of players with 2 being the minimum in a small game, and maybe a max of 5 in a 30+ player game.

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I'm not sure how it would've worked because it was never used while the game lasted, but thus far my favorite role I've designed was a lie detector variation.

The player at night could send in a quote and receive the honest answer to any yes or no question asked THAT day period.

If someone else asked it.

Perhaps a little too complicated, but I liked it, and it prevented him from claiming as a lie detector. I only wish I would've put a no claiming stipulation. I realized too late, it could easily break the game if he just instructed people to ask if someone is town every day period.

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So, with my game coming up, I can't decide between doing a Homestarrunner Mafia (which would be fun because of the twist I've thought up) or Freakazoid! Mafia (which would be a bit more amusing, given the roles that would be involved). Any thoughts on which Mafia you'd prefer to play in September?

EDIT: I meant that with Mel Brooks Mafia coming up.

Edited by Nick Adams
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