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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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That actually reminds me...

Changing Fallout 2 Mafia, a fairly straight up game by my standards, to Temporal Mafia: Do You Seek Knowledge Of Time Travel?, another SDM Special clusterfuck mafia that I am just writing the role PMs for.

This has nothing to do with LOST at all, though. >_>

*scratches Timey-Wimey Ball Mafia off his list of potential mafia gun ideas*

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Guest Mr. Potato Head


Though it would be more like TEOL's Haruhi Whatshisface game where there'd be one townie and everyone else scum. Only this time, the scum are all aligned with each other.

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Though it would be more like TEOL's Haruhi Whatshisface game where there'd be one townie and everyone else scum. Only this time, the scum are all aligned with each other.

Uh, two townies, please? Red and Blue, after all. I guess that depends on if this is a 2p or a 1p game, though.

Fuck, now I want to play Super Smash TV.

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My uni mate brought his SNES back after Christmas and we rocked Super Smash TV for about 6 months straight. Though any Mafia based off it better involve the prospect of winning a few Super VCRs :angry:

That's all my friend's been playing for like a month straight now. Any time we hang out, no matter where we are - his house, mine, another friend - he brings his SNES and we wind up playing Super Smash TV and having a laugh at how ridiculous the prizes are.

Personally, I'm most fond of the toaster. >_>

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Note to future scum teams: always kill the new guy if he's smarter than the average townie. Otherwise all of your hard work goes to waste <_<

EDIT: And if you have the hammer that can pretty much give you the game, for the love of God SWING IT. Don't get cute.

Edited by naiwf
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Some of it was terrible luck as will no doubt be explained. There's one questionable play that's only up for discussion because hindsight is 20/20, but there's a colossally stupid one that blew up the game which can also be attributed to bad luck as well.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

I've decided my next game is going to be an original setting a la Welcome to Candor Falls, only not fundamentally broken like Candor Falls was.

Will there be mantelopes?

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Lie detectors. Everybody seems to think it's a broken role, and in some cases like Ego in Pixar getting to use it 5 times in one day they're right, but when somebody uses it once a day I don't see what the problem is. You either have to hope the scum says something absolute that you can get a result from, or out yourself. So I don't see what makes it worse than even a basic sane cop.

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It's just annoying that you end up wasting an entire day phase waiting on any particular person to clearly post "I am town", and half the time the detector jumps the gun and tests "I am town, also grass is chartreuse, the sky at night is magenta with a hint of tangerine and doggies eat muffins to save the ozone layer" & the entire thing becomes a waste of time.

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