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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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Ruki and I are breaking your heart by doing Anime Mafia. Was supposed to be Ruki and GoGo but GoGo bailed so I offered my hand in helping Ruki.


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Do a Smash TV themed game. >_> It'd have to be one of those fucking wonky games like a Zan or TEOL game or like RW's Saw mafia.

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Well first adam died in Ruki's game as was revealed as scum - Ruki Wins Mafia. Then he said something like "I'm suspicious of a poster but I wanna see him post 3 or 4 times more first" in AVGC. Then he got probed and he said something like "well I can't really say much because another game is still going on but it's the night kill of naiwf and RW first that bugs me". Then eventually he said it was me he was talking about. Somebody could have easily remembered/saw that he was scum in Ruki's game, where he would know who the don was, looked at the killing of naiwf and the 30000 attempts on RW's life as seen in the updates and figured out that I was scum. I mean come on, it had to be either Ruki's game, Batman or Baker's Dozen that he was talking about because those were the only active games at that time. It would've taken an observant motherfucker to notice it, but I probably would've been anal enough to have a look myself. I'd just rather not have that sort of thing out there as justification for suspicion.

And it wasn't even a good read. He saw that naiwf and RW were opening targets (shocker right) in AVGC and thought I must be scum because nobody else would dream of going for them. It was stupid logic that he got lynched for, and coincidentally I ended up being scum.

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Somebody did a LOST season 1 mafia years ago that I don't think ever finished... but to do the whole thing would be tricky. You'd have to have about 30 guys sign-up who've seen the whole thing or don't mind ruining good TV. And a spoilers warning in the title :shifty:

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That actually reminds me...

Changing Fallout 2 Mafia, a fairly straight up game by my standards, to Temporal Mafia: Do You Seek Knowledge Of Time Travel?, another SDM Special clusterfuck mafia that I am just writing the role PMs for.

This has nothing to do with LOST at all, though. >_>

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Fallout 2 Mafia is still on my list. Fallout 3 Mafia is after that, but I might wait for New Vegas because I found Fallout 3's NPCs to be mostly really flat.

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The baffling thing to me is that you've posted in the pinned topics, so how you can ignore one of them I have no idea.

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The baffling thing to me is that you've posted in the pinned topics, so how you can ignore one of them I have no idea.

I just ignored the Waiting list thing. Today was the first time I have ever entered said thread :(

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

Do a Smash TV themed game. >_> It'd have to be one of those fucking wonky games like a Zan or TEOL game or like RW's Saw mafia.

I'd play that for a dollar!

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