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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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Actually Cloudy, what happened is that when the board was upgraded in the spring all PMs were lost - Kliq eventually restored some of the old ones, but not that far back, so that's why WW is your oldest and why the last page of my inbox is full of WW night actions. :)

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Welcome, Ace

To Mafia: Golden City Renaissance.

You are The Internet Geek, Townsfolk Aligned.

Once each night, I will tell you an EWB member. You must impersonate that member during the next day phase. You may not, in any way, shape or form, post directly or otherwise your role. This means you cannot roleclaim in ANY FASHION. (You may falseclaim). More details about your role will be forwarded to you in due course.

You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.

Should you have any questions, please PM me.



Thats my oldest Role PM. I still have my PM from TGC about 24 too :(

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So yeah, I admit I'm only just coming back to Mafia, but I don't recall playing in a game with pizzamonkey before I left and based on what people were saying, I was expecting to come back and be blown away by his play. And, um, based on Dead Rising, that's not exactly what happened. Well, I guess I was blown away, but not in a good way. <_<

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From Mafia: Golden City Omega:


You are the Mafia Henchman, Mafia aligned.

While you live, the Mafia Don cannot be killed. Furthermore, once during the game, at day time, you may PM me a player. That player will be killed.

Your teammates are the Mafia Don (The Evil Overlord), The Mafia Chatterbox (Dragon F'n Force) and The Mafia Conman (Ruki)

You win the game when the mafia outnumbers the remaining townsfolk.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to PM or MSN me.



Other than that, I have PMs saved of stuff I sent out for the first Webcom Mafia and for Gurren Lagann Mafia. I actually have mostly everything for all the Webcoms still saved... which is nice, since I hope to eventually make an archive once I'm through with the series.

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It depends on who your partners are. If you have good partners who stay not dead, it's easier to coast to around 10 people and take the game by the horns as mafia then it is to find mafia.

In either alignment you can coast to the end, but as an active participant I think it's easier to win as mafia. But maybe that's cause more then like 75% of my wins are mafia or something <_<

Edited by Mr Evil Guy
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