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Also, just for what it's worth - I may not be too active over the weekend, my modem is fritzing and I'm hoping my new one arrives through mail sometime this weekend. I can still kind of get on using my current modem, it just cuts in and out every five minutes.

Quoting this to let gamerunners know I'm not AWOL.

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So, guys. What are the oldest role PMs you have? I think I'm the only one that stores my role PMs. I used to have role PMs dating back to this time last year, but I lost a few so this is from March 2009 when I replaced someone in West Wing:

You are Leo McGarry, White House-Aligned White House Chief of Staff.

Sure, the President gets the glory and the photo ops, but you're the guy who really runs the place. You meet with political leaders, you push the President's agenda...basically you do your boss's dirty work.

But that's okay. You love the guy, and truly believe he's the finest President you've ever seen.

That said, you're not without respect of your own. Before you were Chief of Staff to Jed Bartlet, you held a number of other political positions - including Secretary of Agriculture. You're looked upon as an elder statesman of the Democratic Party...a kingmaker, if you will.

At one point in the game (during a night period), you may PM me with the name of another player. That player will be the ONLY one whose vote counts in the next day's lynch.

You win when all threats to the White House have been eliminated.

And then the next oldest is my CHIKARA Mafia 3 role PM.

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