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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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As town, making an "x and y and z and q are scum" post and being 100% correct in one of the Golden City games.

As mafia, either leading Pesci down the garden path for the entire game of Domed, or almost winning Metropolis as Lex Luthor.

And as indy, winning Gotham.

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I nailed two scum in Stand Up Mafia before getting modkilled. I'm not really too sure of any of my best plays, if I have any.

My favourite game this year was definitely Spidermafia. MPH's game was really quality. (Y) And Mage Wars 1 or 2 was my favourite to run. Though, Fell was pretty entertaining.

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Personally, as town I think The Wire, My Name is Earl, or Spidey.

As Scum, I think there can be only one - Jobbers 2. Seriously leading the town into believing I only had 3 lives was awesome :)

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As town, probably NFL QB, where I had SDM pegged from the start, survived a broken investigation, figured naiwf as town even when he was hand and hand with SDM most of the game, figured Sousa got conned by Essa as soon as that investigation came out, and pegged TRW before I died.

As scum, easily Criminal Minds. The last four days were -A- begging me to claim, me saying no, let's lynch this guy instead, and that guy getting lynched.

I haven't ever been Indy yet I think.

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I back up the wwf one, that was an awesome game. Also the WCW 2000 game where I was Tommy Dreamer, that was a fantastic game for me, and the first time I annoyed meg so much he surrendered.

Most of my best performances are as scum.

As far as townie performances, not real happy with any of them, but Futuramafia works.

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As town, making an "x and y and z and q are scum" post and being 100% correct in one of the Golden City games.

I don't remember that happening >_> I remember you being on the wrong end of that exact type of prediction from a freshly killed LCS via MSN, but not that story.

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Full House was probably my best game in that I called out the entire mafia in like my second post of the game, even though I used my daykill on Ace, he came back and won the game anyway so I didn't feel bad, surprised I was never killed in that one expecially since I vaguely said I could clear Split.

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As scum I'm still kinda shocked that I was able to plow through ten people for the win in Metallica mafia. naiwf's meltdown at the end kinda tainted it but I don't think anyone (least of all me) expected me to solo it after my last teammate (nabeel) ate it.

So far I've been pretty dismal as a townie. Mushroom Kingdom is maybe the closest I've come to making a difference, but I'm generally kind of a dolt.

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I never play well, but I had massive fun in ECW ONS Mafia and also in the WWF 1994 one where I randomly pegged both TGC and Pleatherface. :D

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As town, making an "x and y and z and q are scum" post and being 100% correct in one of the Golden City games.

I don't remember that happening >_> I remember you being on the wrong end of that exact type of prediction from a freshly killed LCS via MSN, but not that story.

After further thought, it might not have been a post. It might have been after I was killed, LCS and I both named all the scum (Norro was one of the more obvious to us, Jam was in there too I think) on MSN in about two minutes.

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As town, WWF 92 where I was mayor and cleared a scum -A- just because he said I could :shifty:

Or Lights Out, that whole "what if we lynch another townie?" thing.

As mafia, every game, because I just end up playing as a townie and narrow down all the suspicious players who aren't my teammates.

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