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ugh, WoC

At the very least maybe whatever BS he makes up about his being modkilled might be entertaining, but uh. Ugh.

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Nope, no bs, just upset I got mk'ed in the game I was still alive in that I was still somewhat enjoying. (I'm also alive in Greatest "The Only Thing Anyone Is Doing Is Bitching About How Stupid Everyone Else Is Because Everyone Has Stopped Paying Attention" Moments and ECW "I stalled the game for like three weeks because I can only focus on BR" One Night Stand) naiwf has been running a consistent runnerand I can see why I got mk'ed, even though I'm kinda pissed I was the one that it happened to. I'm not going to say anything more because the game is still running.

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I was wondering why ruki was outed in TV Mafia too. I thought maybe I missed him being outed elsewhere in the game, but apparently not..

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