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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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I never looked at that thread. Considering that Group 5 is a seven player game where two people died on the same night it amazes me that we're 25 days into it and they just killed the 4th person. It took 18 days to lynch one player. That's insane.



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That's something to be happy about?

'Cause you were all "did you just say that, omg scum tell" and then MEG said he's awesome etc. It was bad play by me because I didn't defend myself, but I didn't want to, and it was bad play by you and Blaze because you jumped on me like wild animals.

Then why play the game and fuck over the town? :/

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R.E. the tournament:

DMN, Blaze, Burninator, IJS, WFS, SRR, Thug, Deangelo, Marcos, LittleDaniel, C-MIL, MEG, Zan, Pesci, Oldskool, MPH, Pizzamonkey, FD, Split Second, naiwf, SeanDMan are the 21 in the second round.

I can confirm now that there will be 2 groups in the second round and the two games will be Assassins in the Palace and Kingmaker.

The groups, selected entirely at random this time, are going to be as follows:

Burninator, IJS, SRR, LittleDaniel, MEG, Oldskool, MPH, FD, Split Second will be playing Assassins in the Palace

DMN, Blaze, WFS, Thug, Deangelo, Marcos, C-MIL, Zan, Pesci, Pizzamonkey, Naiwf, SDM will be playing Kingmaker.

Assassins in the Palace will start in the next couple of days. Kingmaker will probably start in a week or so when the numbers have dwindled down in Assassins.

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