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Short posts are only scummy if someone's made like 3 posts in a long-running game that are all short and relatively meaningless. Also I suppose if someone's making lots and lots of meaningless posts to try and look uber-active, but they usually get picked out anyway.

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I'm just pissed that, apparently, my normal posting style has become 'scum play'. Apparently, you are no longer allowed to be short and to the point, or make off hand comments, because if you aren't making three paragraph dissertations on why you think someone is whatever, you're not being a 'good townie'.

Oh, and I'm tired of hearing about newbie mafia too. I hardly ever read mafia games I don't play, so stop using them as reasons for me not to vote for you. If you're play in the game we're currently in makes me think you're scum, and you can point to a reason IN THAT GAME that proves me wrong, do that. Don't try to send me to read an entire other game, because I'm not.

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Probably because certain guys are damned if you do and damned if you don't. They'll automatically get labelled as shit and therefore put under constant suspicion whether it's deserved or not, just because of who they are, and just because they might not be able to put in as complex a play as some of you other guys. It works both ways though, as evidenced by Ace's "I know how GoGo thinks play" and Norris himself in Greatest Moments had to ask people to actually read his rant and not just follow him because "lol Angry Norro rawks". People get typecast, and it's hard to shake that off.

I mean, how long did it take GoGo to stop getting nightkilled on the first night? I certainly remember getting raped because I went a day or two without posting (In defence, I was scum and trying not to draw attention, but still) :shifty:

Or never mind, I missed your point >_>

Edited by Kaney
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I'm just pissed that, apparently, my normal posting style has become 'scum play'. Apparently, you are no longer allowed to be short and to the point, or make off hand comments, because if you aren't making three paragraph dissertations on why you think someone is whatever, you're not being a 'good townie'.

Oh, and I'm tired of hearing about newbie mafia too. I hardly ever read mafia games I don't play, so stop using them as reasons for me not to vote for you. If you're play in the game we're currently in makes me think you're scum, and you can point to a reason IN THAT GAME that proves me wrong, do that. Don't try to send me to read an entire other game, because I'm not.

Exactly. I know I shouldn't discuss games while they're still running, but in 3M Mafia, I make a post succinctly stating why I think C-MIL has been playing scummily and I get jumped on for not going back through the thread and digging out every little piece of evidence.

Norro posts a big angry rant on the matter which also does not include 'evidence' but is really long, has big words, and indicates Norro to be in an enraged state and people instantly agree with him and start up a C-MIL bandwagon.

Long posts in mafia games fucking suck.

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Oh and whilst we're ranting, I'm not a fan of this new wave of "I'm a good player, and everyone else that doesn't agree with me and my logic is a shit player, even if my logic turns out to be wrong, but if their logic is wrong bahhhh they're even worse than before".

And on top of that, the worst thing is "I'm an awesome player because I told you X was scum even though I had no reason for it/my reasoning made no sense, you guys should've listened to me because even though it's incorrect 9/10 times it was right in this instance".

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I'm just pissed that, apparently, my normal posting style has become 'scum play'. Apparently, you are no longer allowed to be short and to the point, or make off hand comments, because if you aren't making three paragraph dissertations on why you think someone is whatever, you're not being a 'good townie'.

This. I believe it was the entire reason I got lynched in Group 4, because I didn't want to write ten pages of analysis about nothing.

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Yeah, its no longer fun.

Mafia... srs bizness.

Oh, wait, I must be scum now, because I want to have fun playing mafia.

All the games that have annoyed me are ongoing, though, so I'll shut up for now. Suffice to say, people are making it a chore to play the damn game, and that means that they fucking suck at mafia.

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I want to know why this 'new breed' of mafia player (woc, Halo, etc) think that you need to post tons and tons to be a 'good townie'. Especially Halo. Dude is fucking AWFUL. I fucking hate him, and I shall kill him in every game I have a night kill in.

Ugh, it's because of the current influx of games teaching them that it's the smart way to play the game. Fuck smart, I want to go back to day 1 lynchwagons. Needless to say I dislike the current state of round discussion each lynch phase, even if it is leading to a larger amount of town wins and good play.

Which is not to say that I don't like mafia, more that the current style of play takes a lot of the fun out of it until the latter stages, especially in larger games. I can understand why some of the bigger name players are becoming frustrated, being killed on Night 1 or subjected to ridiculous reasoning for a lynch, or even having to put up with shit just because they're a big name player (see Sousa vs Maxx in Webcom IV? I think)

There's also a flip side to being a big name player. I've seen big names get away with much more; take for example pizzamonkey or sousa, they take an aggressive approach, can say things newbies would get attacked for, but they can get away with it. Also, people refer to previous games way too much, players can change their style of play obviously.

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They get away with their aggressive approach because thats always been how they've played. If you try to change from passive to aggressive, thats all well and good, but until people get used to it, you're going to get called on it.

It should go without saying that established players are going to get a bigger benefit of the doubt... thats because they're BETTER players. If you're considered a bad player, people aren't going to give you that chance until you stop playing badly. People who have a history of good play are going to get away with some bad play, because of that history. Thats common fucking sense.

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Finding myself in a wheelchair leaves me ample time to read this board, which I do out of habbit pretty much always.

Reading these last few rants and having reread my most recent attempts at playing mafia, I feel the need to come forward and apologize. I can't help but feel somewhat responsible for the decline of standards in mafia, since I am quite obviously a joke at the game itself.

I suck, this isn't a secret, not being detrimental or self-pitying here, just honest. It's true enough that I do have some odd flashes only described as Festus like, in which I play a decent game, but ultimately the bell always rings and I revert back to my normal slobbering lame-ass self.

I can't offer an opinion on the debate of whether or not newbies should have the right to act like dicks and not be called on it, that's up for wiser people than myself to decided.

But I will say this to anyone that bothers reading this far. I want to stop sucking at this game I actually enjoy, I don't want to be a detriment any longer, and if I can do anything to somehow recover from the tremendous blunders I've made, and to keep from making them again.. Well, I'll do it in a heartbeat.

I read every mafia on the board except Rape (the poo eating got me down.) before I joined my first game, I've since read my personal favorites (epic fantasy, WOO!) countless times. Unfortunately, this hasn't effect my gameplay very much and I've failed to learn lessons from the games themselves.

If there's anyone out there, anyone at all that can help me improve my game even the slightest through words of wisdom, or pain aversion therapy, or devil worship, I would be most grateful.

DMN is old and is a likely sufferer of high blood pressure, someone give him a miracle and help lessen the pain in his ass, make me adequate.. Please.

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Yeah, if you'd stop fake-claiming all the damn time, you actually wouldn't be that bad. Outside of that, you really don't bother me much. Its hilarious sometimes, but its just bad in general.

What actually constitutes a good player, because I've yet to see one really in action the last 3/4 mafia's :shifty: Well, I'd say naiwf is probably one of the best I've seen lately.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

I have to say, I find it hilarious the cognitive dissonance some of you have got going, where if you ever get lynched, it's because the town wouldn't listen to logic and not because you did something stupid.

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