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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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We all have incredibly boneheaded moments. My favorite "... what the fuck, GoGo" moment is probably when I managed to first doom and then save the town in the endgame phase of CHIKARA Mafia I, because I bought Josh's claim that Brodie Lee was the vig and not the SK, but my ability as Bryce Remsburg prevented Josh from successfully making the nightkill anyway.

That was awesome...


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I may be remembering this wrong, but in one of my first games I remember being in the final five with GoGo, two mafia and some other guy and I voted the wrong way and handed the mafia the win.

I was new. It might've not been GoGo, though. I remember him earlier making fun of everything the town did wrong so it might be something else. <_<

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I make fun of everything for things they did wrong. But yeah, I vaguely remember you seriously fucking up what should have been a town win at some point, though I can't remember which game that was anymore.

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I don't remember ever hilariously fucking up in a Mafia game. Somebody help me out, because I'm sure I have.

You dared to oppose me in FF. That's the worst move I've ever seen you make. The fact that towns love keeping you alive helps you not make any blunders, especially when you're leading them to death and everyone still thinks you're so cool and dreamy and just like being next to you :blush:

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Found it, it was Web Comic Mafia. So it was your fault that I got killed by a fucking Ctrl+Alt+Del character, MEG, you bastard.

That wasn't where I did the "I told you so" thing though, apparently.

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I don't think I've made any truly terrible plays

Awful Waffle: FD

Who's doing Salute your Shorts mafia? If somebody is, I'll trade them King of the Hill Mafia for it. If nobody is, I'm willing to team up with somebody on it.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

You know what I think?

I think Ruki spends far too much time playing Mafia.

On a completely related note, I'm compiling statistics of how many games everybody has played in for some reason. :shifty:

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