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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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Shut it you, LCS is at least cool enough to have been to my hometown. >_>

Where is your hometown?

I am sure Bedfordshire as it states next to my name is clue enough. >_>

Gah I've been to your hometown. I was not impressed by the airport.

Edited by Pesci
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Guest ToffeeFan2k8
As the guy who put in the report that, I believe, got lolkylemop banned, let me just say that this development does not surprise me in the least.

Actually Sous, if you can see this, because you'll be ignoring me. I didn't get banned, I just disappeared under MoP.

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  • Admin
As the guy who put in the report that, I believe, got lolkylemop banned, let me just say that this development does not surprise me in the least.

Actually Sous, if you can see this, because you'll be ignoring me. I didn't get banned, I just disappeared under MoP.

I wouldn't get too far ahead of yourself there champ.

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As the guy who put in the report that, I believe, got lolkylemop banned, let me just say that this development does not surprise me in the least.

Actually Sous, if you can see this, because you'll be ignoring me. I didn't get banned, I just disappeared under MoP.

Well, I'm not going to put you on ignore unless you do something as phenomenally and comprehensively retarded as you did in the Essa thread. You seem to have yourself largely under control in this new account, so I don't care. You're 12 years old. I'm old enough to be your father. It'd be pretty silly to hold a grudge against someone your age for that long.

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