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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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Give us Toffee or give us death.

And let Toffeefan stay too since he obviously also supports my "More Toffee for EWB members" campaign.

Edit: Anyone remember that fat chick friend of Kyle's that fancied LCS?

Edited by Footjob Fever
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Who was the guy who said Idol stole his bitch?

WIT/Audiobank, I thought?

And I wasn't around for MoP, but I like Toffee myself.

Ah yes, that was the one.

As I say 'MoP' was annoying and a cunt but Toffe has been okay and he is what? 13/14? Most kids that age have spazzy periods. I would say second chance myself, just don't do shit like this again.

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