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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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He would.

I've pondered an Animaniacs Mafia, but pinning down who the scum would be was kind of tough, since no one's really evil on the show except Pinky and the Brain and damned if I don't want somebody doing a lot of Pinky and the Brain gimmick posting.

Then obviously you'd make Pinky and the brain co-mayors :shifty:

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My impression of someone posting in the Mafia Cube:

"I disagree with so-and-so."

"No! YOU!"


"Oh YES, the victim. At what point does personal responsibility become a factor in this equation?" - Riley Freeman

So young, so fictional and yet so wise.

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Guest Mr. Pringles Head
He would.

I've pondered an Animaniacs Mafia, but pinning down who the scum would be was kind of tough, since no one's really evil on the show except Pinky and the Brain and damned if I don't want somebody doing a lot of Pinky and the Brain gimmick posting.

You're seriously having trouble thinking of any Animaniacs characters who would make a good MAFIA? >_<

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Matt's given me the okay to do Iron Maiden Mafia, so that's what I'll be working on next, with Marvel II to come after that.

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Has anybody got a list of player roles and their abilities?

I mean I could pretty much fill in quite a few reading former diaries. But is there a list somewhere with examples to use?

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Has anybody got a list of player roles and their abilities?

I mean I could pretty much fill in quite a few reading former diaries. But is there a list somewhere with examples to use?

http://mafiascum.net/wiki/index.php Could be useful, and there's a Mafia Resource thread in here somewhere.

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Has anybody got a list of player roles and their abilities?

I mean I could pretty much fill in quite a few reading former diaries. But is there a list somewhere with examples to use?

http://mafiascum.net/wiki/index.php Could be useful, and there's a Mafia Resource thread in here somewhere.

Thanks, just what I was looking for ^_^

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I just realized Zan already has a vote on him so Hajj could come in here and lynch him if his ability is legit, I'll hold off for a bit on this one.


....WoC, I hope you get hit by a fucking bus.

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