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Quick days have their place, in hindsight it probably wasn't one. There's not always a reason that we should sit back and let lots of discussion take place, hell 4/5 times I bet we let scum talk us out of lynching them because we give them too much time.

Examples plz. And then examples of times where waiting has given us more information before you throw around figures like 4/5 times.

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Quick days have their place, in hindsight it probably wasn't one. There's not always a reason that we should sit back and let lots of discussion take place, hell 4/5 times I bet we let scum talk us out of lynching them because we give them too much time.

Examples plz. And then examples of times where waiting has given us more information before you throw around figures like 4/5 times.

4/5 times is a figure of speech not an actual statistic. I can't be arsed looking for examples of when people have talked themselves out of lynches but there have been some - and if your response to this is "well if you can't find examples it can't be true", I really don't care.

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-A- you're going to lose the game either way and at this point that's what you wanted so I gave it to you.

No, you threw your toys out of the pram because you can't be bothered to play the game any more. Really great townie play to ruin the game for the other townies because you can't be bothered any more. This would be less embarrassing if you're scum.

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You're the one who isn't playing the game. You're asking people to sacrifice themselves so you can make the same fucking choice 3 or 4 days from now. There is a waiting list of people looking to get involved in games and you're basically holding up Metallica and whatever comes behind it because you don't want to make a decision. I know you enjoy feeling important and all but it's just an internet game, not a life or death decision.

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Quick days have their place, in hindsight it probably wasn't one. There's not always a reason that we should sit back and let lots of discussion take place, hell 4/5 times I bet we let scum talk us out of lynching them because we give them too much time.

Examples plz. And then examples of times where waiting has given us more information before you throw around figures like 4/5 times.

4/5 times is a figure of speech not an actual statistic. I can't be arsed looking for examples of when people have talked themselves out of lynches but there have been some - and if your response to this is "well if you can't find examples it can't be true", I really don't care.

No, I think you just prefer to remember examples that fit the opinion you've already got instead of remembering the bigger picture. It's exactly the same reason why day one bandwagons stuck around for so long, because people learn to accept the negative consequences (lynching a townie) as normal and then crow to the rooftops every time something positive happens because it's so unbelievable. People prefer to remember the times a scum guy slipped through the net because it reinforces the 'just forget about it, go with the easy target and forget everything else' and then totally ignore the times they might have got more information and been better off if they'd waited.

If lynches against scum falter over time, why is that? Because they talk themselves out of it or because people stop caring and lose interest? Seems like the people who want to rush through the lynches are the same people that stop caring about the game after a day or two of discussion.

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You're the one who isn't playing the game. You're asking people to sacrifice themselves so you can make the same fucking choice 3 or 4 days from now. There is a waiting list of people looking to get involved in games and you're basically holding up Metallica and whatever comes behind it because you don't want to make a decision. I know you enjoy feeling important and all but it's just an internet game, not a life or death decision.

I don't care about sacrificing someone. At all. It's just a game and whoever dies makes no difference, so don't sabotage the game because you take it as a personal insult. If I have to pick between 2 people it gives the town a better chance to win. It's up to Matt or RW to declare the game as going on too long, because 3 days for the last day period isn't destructive to the very fabric of the Cube. I'm not making the same choice in a day (not 3 days, night periods are one day) because YOU ARE A SUSPECT. You seem to think there's genuinely no chance of me suspecting you and no chance of anyone except you dying because you know so much about the game. Despite the fact that you're changed votes from one to the other and admittedly don't know which one is scum. But you don't really care, you're happy to vote for either of them because you don't really care about the game any more.

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Bleh has wanted me dead from the moment it was time to lynch. You don't trust me and if WOC is scum, then you guys deserve to lose anyway because you couldn't stick to you own belief that WOC is scum.

If WOC is town, you were going to pick the wrong guy anyway and again don't deserve to win. Simple as that really. There's no need for me to die today to give you the same two choices tomorrow, Saturday or Sunday.

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He would.

I've pondered an Animaniacs Mafia, but pinning down who the scum would be was kind of tough, since no one's really evil on the show except Pinky and the Brain and damned if I don't want somebody doing a lot of Pinky and the Brain gimmick posting.

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