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Go with your gut. The longer you think about anything, the more likely you are to convince yourself that something else is a better option. In my experience, my first thought ends up being right about 80% of the time and whenever I change my answer on exams I'm usually throwing away points. I just found out I did it to myself yet again earlier this week on two different exams. I really need to take my own advice <_<

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I'm usually the opposite, though. My instincts are fine in patches, but I use logic to rule a few things out so my gut has fewer choices to pick between. I'm frustrated because I can see all three of you being scum and I don't like being in a position where nothing is rules out. Meh, I'll decide tonight.

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Cocky Outed Don: Worst or the very worst? I know people like to say "ooooh I'm trying to confuse the town kekeke" "trying to sow the seeds of discord and distrust bwahahah" but a. if the town has a brain they're probably just scrolling right over your posts, especially when you're not saying anything of consequence and b. your unrevealed minions can do the same thing!

I just don't like the whole Cocky Outed Don act. S'why I didn't do it in Criminal Minds >_>

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Go with your gut. The longer you think about anything, the more likely you are to convince yourself that something else is a better option. In my experience, my first thought ends up being right about 80% of the time and whenever I change my answer on exams I'm usually throwing away points. I just found out I did it to myself yet again earlier this week on two different exams. I really need to take my own advice <_<

Yeah, but on EWB you have to wait 57 hours, because no one really knows how to play mafia and wants to wait around for a cop. Then, of course, if thats not how you play, Sousa comes in and tells you that you suck at mafia, because he's EWB's mafia god or whatever. Fuck that.

I still love you Sousa, but waiting around forever ain't the only way to play the game.

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Go with your gut. The longer you think about anything, the more likely you are to convince yourself that something else is a better option. In my experience, my first thought ends up being right about 80% of the time and whenever I change my answer on exams I'm usually throwing away points. I just found out I did it to myself yet again earlier this week on two different exams. I really need to take my own advice <_<

Yeah, but on EWB you have to wait 57 hours, because no one really knows how to play mafia and wants to wait around for a cop. Then, of course, if thats not how you play, Sousa comes in and tells you that you suck at mafia, because he's EWB's mafia god or whatever. Fuck that.

I still love you Sousa, but waiting around forever ain't the only way to play the game.

I'm sorry, but really, fuck off. That day lasted 14 hours, and there was a cop with more concrete information who didn't have time to talk, which... y'know... kind of proves my point.

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I think it depends on the game. In ROH/CZW mafia, playing a cocky outed don as Chris Hero made sense... he's Chris Hero. Otherwise, I dunno. You shouldn't just shut up, you need to still try and help your team, but there's a balance.

EDIT: Sousa, everything about IJS' play said scum. I've already gone on record as disliking EWB's reliance on cops, and saw NOTHING wrong with that lynch. If you did, then maybe you need to look at how you play mafia, because waiting around for investigators when you have agreement on a player playing badly/like scum is bad play, IMO. Nevermind the fact that relying on investigators means they have to out themselves to be of any use, and, yeah... thats straight up preschool play right there.

Edited by Super DMN
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Go with your gut. The longer you think about anything, the more likely you are to convince yourself that something else is a better option. In my experience, my first thought ends up being right about 80% of the time and whenever I change my answer on exams I'm usually throwing away points. I just found out I did it to myself yet again earlier this week on two different exams. I really need to take my own advice <_<

Yeah, but on EWB you have to wait 57 hours, because no one really knows how to play mafia and wants to wait around for a cop. Then, of course, if thats not how you play, Sousa comes in and tells you that you suck at mafia, because he's EWB's mafia god or whatever. Fuck that.

I still love you Sousa, but waiting around forever ain't the only way to play the game.

Or in some cases you wait almost 72 hours to be told that the best thing to do is no lynch in a game with 4 fucking people in it so the mayor can have another 2-3 days to decide which of 2 people he should lynch. Metallica Mafia's last day phase is the drizzling shits. It's a 50/50 deal and it's going to take a week to resolve.

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Quick days have their place, in hindsight it probably wasn't one. There's not always a reason that we should sit back and let lots of discussion take place, hell 4/5 times I bet we let scum talk us out of lynching them because we give them too much time.

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