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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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Wow, someone actually deemed me worthy enough to night kill me. I'm shocked.

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Holy Shit. Having read that, I forgot I've won 4 games. Non-Themed was pretty easy though (no offence DFF), and I practically couldn't lose in Civil War, so I only hold pride in Anime for making the right call on rocksta, and for kicking Norro's ass (and thereby investigating him and lynching him in Super MARIO mafia), and West Coast Avengers where I was awesome compared to the rest of the players (or at least I like to think so).

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Holy Shit. Having read that, I forgot I've won 4 games. Non-Themed was pretty easy though (no offence DFF), and I practically couldn't lose in Civil War, so I only hold pride in Anime for making the right call on rocksta, and for kicking Norro's ass (and thereby investigating him and lynching him in Super MARIO mafia), and West Coast Avengers where I was awesome compared to the rest of the players (or at least I like to think so).

None taken, it was only the second game I ran and the first to complete. :)

Speaking of which, the roles for Marvel II are coming along a little now. I hope to have it mapped out soon. We're probably looking in the range of 28-32 players.

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Yeah MEG, I'm really believing that you're town when you're trying to get townies killed and feigning stupidity when you're cornered. You got the town to waste a lynch on Josh yesterday and handed your scum homeboy a free daykill. STFU already since you'll die now by deangelo's hand or tomorrow when the day hits. The only thing I'm unsure of is whether you're in his group or trying to be this stupid because you're the leader of another scum group. Keep talking though and let me figure it out before deangelo kills me and you open up the entire game this early.

The funny thing is I'm going to quote this when I turn out to not be mafia.

Like I said, if you gon act like a bitch, I'm gon treat cha like a bitch(someone better get the reference)

*gets it :wub: *

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