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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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Chikara Mafia raises a question from me:

Masons - do they really take advantage of their "ability" enough?

I ask because in the past I've been a mason with people who think that because our only ability is talking outside the thread, we're almost vanilla, but it's amazing how much more information you can pick up bouncing ideas off someone else.

Edited by Rabid Wolverine
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Chikara Mafia raises a question from me:

Masons - do they really take advantage of their "ability" enough?

I ask because in the past I've been a mason with people who think that because our only ability is talking outside the thread, we're almost vanilla, but it's amazing how much more information you can pick up bouncing ideas off someone else.

100% agree. That's the basis of Siamese Mafia that I've got planned - a relatively simple traditional game with the exception that everyone's divided into pairs. You can completely trust your partner (no secret town/scum combos, guaranteed) and I want to see how that affects play.

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Killing roles are overrated. I was right about the majority of the scum at the end of the game, so even though I didn't kill any I helped the town out. I also managed to make sure the only indy got lynched for infringing on my role. I know it's hard to believe, but even I make mistakes in mafia :o

I was only a mason once, and I died because I trusted essa at the end. I hate masons.

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Masons definitely don't take advtange of the fact that they're masons. Anddd I played terribly in CHIKARA. That specific point where I voted late for Ace, I was just out of it in general. I deserved to die. Funny though, that I was a protector, and I protected naiwf only for naiwf to return the favour by killing me.

Edited by Cinnamon J. ScudWill
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This is only my second time being a mason, the first time was with WFS and TGC in DC Mafia: Gotham earlier this year. I didn't really get to take advantage of the role, though, because for about a week and a half I was having problems getting on EWB.

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I think I owe you about $2 then... What's that in real money?

When the Euro becomes a vehicle currency, then talk to me. Everybody in the world trades in dollars for a reason. U-S-A! U-S-A! :angry:

Edited by naiwf
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