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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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Guest Mr. Potato Head
What happened there?

Pesci was TGC, essentially a mayor role who could communicate with three players (including me) outside of the game thread. I was secretly part of a mafia. When Pesci asked me what I could do, I panicked and claimed I was an investigator. With a few lucky guesses, I was able to keep leading Pesci (and the town) on, and clear one of my cohorts. (H)

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No-one tops me for plays in Domed.

Get given the role of Essa the SK in a game run by Essa. Loved it so much I told LCS...whose whole role was based around finding me. First day both me and LCS get modkilled <_<

EDIT: My other favourite play was claiming Villiano IV in Jobber Maf II, and having the town believe me so much they actually tried to lynch me fur times. Damn you FD and your insanely lucky guessing at the end. I deserved to win dammit :(

Edited by ---Ace Andrews---
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I played in Domed as well, it was something like my second ever game. I got night-killed on Night Two despite admitting to having an ability that meant I had to vote for the same townie every single day for the rest of the game. Also, I had no reputation so I'm not sure what the thinking was. Probably just that I was a confirmed townie, but still :/

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Pizzamonkey came in Mage Wars 1.5 first. I'm key in discovering talent. You guys just then mould them into very good players. Steal my glory - DAMN YOU.

I love mafia in general. So, back on topics, favourite plays you've ever seen? In hindesight, what plays from certain people or groups really worked damn well. One that pops to mind is RW's rappage of the Devil's town.

I think what Forky and I pulled off in FF is amazing. We were down 14 to 2 and managed to win the game against the combined forces of Sousa AND Jesusmonkey!

Well done to the CHIKARA lynch squad. I want some credit for making SDM lynch TRW to prove himself. Turning around and lynching him the next day was what I was hoping you would do and I'm glad you did. If we hadn't played like such morons in the beginning this game would have ended already.

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What happened there?

Pesci was TGC, essentially a mayor role who could communicate with three players (including me) outside of the game thread. I was secretly part of a mafia. When Pesci asked me what I could do, I panicked and claimed I was an investigator. With a few lucky guesses, I was able to keep leading Pesci (and the town) on, and clear one of my cohorts. (H)

The investigator part was good play. But man was my group fucked there. Two turncoats in a fucking 3 man group supposed to be assisting me :-/

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In regards to running a game - is there any kind of sense to whether a Day phase should come first or a Night phase? I know the former gives the town a free (albeit blind) shot - usually a random bandwagon in practice - and the latter gives the chance for abilities to be used but simultaneously allows the mafia a free kill. Does it really matter which you pick?

Edited by stokeriño
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No, not really. Most people here prefer night starts, but it's a matter of preference. A day start is probably very slightly in favour of the town, though, if you want to bear that in mind with your balancing.

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I suppose it matters less in larger games. In a 13 player game (as I'm trying to finalise my plans for), probably more. I'm leaning marginally towards Night at the moment, if only because of the silly opening day bandwagons I've witnessed in the past. :shifty:

Edited by stokeriño
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I'm glad stoker asked, because I've been wondering the same thing. I don't know if I want to start Watchmen on day or night.

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Day starts ensure that I actually get to play games a bit before I die, so I favour them.

This is really the basis for my opinion as well. It's unbelievably shitty to die before you can actually play the game. Especially when it happens twice in one game, you Arrested Development bastards :@

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