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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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Can somebody find our set of "Standard mafia rules" in a game, and make it a pinned topic in here? We're not always going to be the exclusive set of players we are now and it'd be helpful to have those rules out in plain sight when we cite them instead of relying on people having played before.

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The town was able to figure stuff out towards the end of the game without the benefit of an investigator ID'ing someone who was scum so far. It really wasn't that difficult either, which is why it frustrates me so much when people make the game so much harder than it has to be. I died, but the town should win at this point, and that's good enough. It's surely better than dying and the town still losing.

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I don't appreciate being thrown under the bus Cloudy. I was right about TRW & Pris, and if we had lynched TRW a day earlier 1-2 more townies would have lived. I contributed my fair share, and you should win thanks to my sacrifice. Show some gratitude :shifty:

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Hey naiwf, you realise given the chance I would have thrown you under the bus right?

I had you on my shortlist for 'People To Kill' in WCMIII, but then realized I needed you to translate for me <_<

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I don't appreciate being thrown under the bus Cloudy. I was right about TRW & Pris, and if we had lynched TRW a day earlier 1-2 more townies would have lived. I contributed my fair share, and you should win thanks to my sacrifice. Show some gratitude :shifty:

Hey. Hey. HEY.


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