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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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I don't support modkills for editing, if someone edits, they'll become suspicious to the town anyway, no point modkilling them for what might be out of instinct (like in QB mafia I put :-/ instead of :/ and edited it and as soon as I hit edit I went "shit why did I do that")

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If you're actually a bomb, modkilling yourself would be the best thing for the town since scum wouldn't hammer you and you wouldn't hammer yourself.

Make our lives easier. If you're willing to die to help the town out, get yourself modkilled now and save us waiting for the day.

Asking people to modkill themselves? Srsly? Not only is that never going to work (only a townie would actually do it) but that's totally against the spirit of the game. Worse than purposefully getting yourself modkilled.

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I didn't ask him to do it. I'm just saying if you're going to threaten to leave the game because you're sensitive I'm not going to stop you. If you don't want to play ask for a replacement, don't say you'd rather kill yourself to prove a point to someone else.

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Dear Mr Canuck.

For the last time, there is not a market for a fan written book about WLIIA. We will thank you to stop writing us.

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