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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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Exactly. As an example of why the rule is good, in West Wing I knew Sousa was a killer but I decided to sit on that info since I thought I was a bus driver and not a copycat. If I was allowed to edit a post I could have posted that at some point while people were in the thread, then edited it out giving them some info which they wouldn't have received otherwise. I know that your intentions were good, but I can see why it's a modkillable offense because it could easily break the game if you are too lenient.

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I could also understand if I edited a long while after I made the post, but the fact I made the edit so close to the time and did it before I saw Ruki's reply should show it wouldn't have effected the game. And then I re-posted what I already posted before the edit to try and make up for it.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head
I could also understand if I edited a long while after I made the post, but the fact I made the edit so close to the time and did it before I saw Ruki's reply should show it wouldn't have effected the game. And then I re-posted what I already posted before the edit to try and make up for it.

For one, I believe there were three minutes (cue Rosey and Jamal) between the posting time and the editing time when I saw the post (2:18 and 2:21 maybe?).

For two, it's not like you're going to get back into the game no matter what now that you've been officially cleared as town.

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Silence them for a day.

I think it was obvious though, in this situation, I wasn't doing anything that could break or harm the game.

Weren't you the investigator though? I saw what you did and it wasn't anything terrible, but there's no way of knowing whether the person who is editing a post is fixing up some grammar, spelling or erasing something they didn't intend to say which could harm the game. I made a huge slip up in Lemmings mafia when I admitted that someone was a townie leading other townie lynches. Fortunately, I didn't get caught, but if we could erase mistakes like that or Norro's a/an or to hyphen or not to hyphen fakeclaims it would weaken the games IMO.

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The time between posting and editing doesn't really make too much of a difference though. If anything, editing it quickly minimises the number of other people that can see and verify what was originally there. If you're scum and want to get rid of something then you want to do it as fast as possible so as few people as possible see it. I think the punishment is entirely in the hands of the mod and I can understand either position. It's really hard to legislate for when editing is more or less serious.

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Give a warning, and every other edit for everybody=death.

Pretty sure someone else did this.

Editing is against the rules anyway, so the warning is already there. If Split got a warning, what's to stop the next person to edit from being the one to cause this shitstorm? Really, it's pretty fucking simple to understand - edit your post and die. Split's just butthurt here because he was the bloody investigator.

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Rules are rules. Editing can cause too much shit, and you can never be really sure what was there originally, because the two people could be scum, or whatever. Sure, it sucks when it happens to you on an honest mistake, but shit happens.

I remember when the rules were looser, and I once edited and posted my role PM. That was an awesome play by me >_>

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It's the same as outside-the-game conversations about the game, it just requires too much policing and grinds the game to a screeching halt as people meta-game about the edit/MSN convo's contents instead of actually playing the game.

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