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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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If bill brings FOS here I'm gonna hate him, regardless of how good he is. I'm still sore at -A- for saying lylo a couple of times.

And in situations where the town is going round in circles and picking on the smallest things to facilitate a lynch (or just going for the usual suspects like Slogger or a random newbie), maybe then a no lynch is alright. But no lynching because an investigator hasn't come in and shared their results is ridiculous. People who propose no lynches after a page or two of discussion should be shot like stray dogs.

You and your shitty non-Jeff Stelling guy brought FOS here. :shifty:

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How, exactly, is being modkilled for editing your posts at all bullshit, Split?

EDIT: Hey I can do that in here. The "no editing" rule's been in place how long now?

Edited by Cloudy Ant
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I slip up, posting early by mistake. So I go back and edit my post without thinking. I even went back and posted my orginal post, admitting I made a mistake. And I still get mod-killed. It's a stupid rule. I edited within 30 seconds or so of making the post because my internet wasn't working well. It's hardly like it effected the game in a sense to be mod-killed.

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But the point is, if it wasn't against the rules to edit your posts, you could make a slip-up, realise it and quickly edit it out. You can't say "you can edit your posts for spelling mistakes but not for slip-ups" because there's no way of enforcing that.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

Yeah, Split, I know you're pissed off and all but Will's completely in the right here. Punishment's *maybe* a little harsh, but that's up to the individual game runners.

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But I went back and posted what I originally wrote. Ruki saw it and could easily verify it. It didn't effect the game in any sense. Plenty of times people have been given warnings for a mistake like this. Modkilling is so harsh for a simple slip-up.

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I slip up, posting early by mistake. So I go back and edit my post without thinking. I even went back and posted my orginal post, admitting I made a mistake. And I still get mod-killed. It's a stupid rule. I edited within 30 seconds or so of making the post because my internet wasn't working well. It's hardly like it effected the game in a sense to be mod-killed.

Ruki asked you not to give names, you did, and then switched it to a number before reposting the names. If people could edit posts without consequence you could pass all kinds of info to each other. It's bad enough that people do that on MSN.

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Forget it. I'll just leave it as this is going nowhere anyway. Guess I'm just pissed as it was the one game I've done well in God knows how long.

I know why the rule's there, but I made a simple mistake. It hardly turned the game down upside down on its head and I went back and re-posted what was originally there to try and make up for it.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

We don't know that they're the same names though. What if you had been scum and accidentily implicated one of your teammates on the original list then covertly left him off the repost?

Edited by Mr. Potato Head
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Unless it is Random Rules (which likely won't come back), I think you should give a warning before modkilling. Maybe take away his ability for a night or something. A kill for a first offense? Poo on that.

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