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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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Ok, I kind of want someone who's for no-lynching early in games to explain why, because I see it come up a lot, and I'm convinced 99 times out of 100 a no lynch on day 1 is a bad move. Specifically -A-, because I feel he's one of the top ten or so players here, and I'd like to know why he supports it since it seems like such a fundamentally bad move to give up an opportunity to hit a scum.

Because there's nothing to base opinions on and it's basically a shot in the dark. Unless people want to turn it into a vote-claim-change vote piece of shit the first day then.. yeah.

I used to be the exact same way against everything people are mad about now like a year ago and people thought I was batshit insane. I always wanted to lynch shitty town people who wouldn't want to help us near the end, hated no lynches and rushed everything. It's all good and stuff, but it's counterproductive to "take a shot at mafia" when you're taking shots at townies, too. Which could lead to an investigator being forced to claim, be nightkilled and then it fucks up the rest of the game for the rest of the townies.*

That's my take on it, ;).

*Edit: because, of course, the town is reliant on investigations. ;)

Edit2: PLUS, when people do take shots in the dark they avoid targetting any big name players, whom in a lot of games around here, are handpicked mafia(you dont see thekazarian mafia don too often. Where'd that guy go, anyways?) If they do target a big name player people will think they're scum for targetting such a big player or they'll get in a big argument. It's a lot easier to wait a day, see if anyone picks something out about that player and move on.

Edited by Mr. Evil Guy
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Ok, I kind of want someone who's for no-lynching early in games to explain why, because I see it come up a lot, and I'm convinced 99 times out of 100 a no lynch on day 1 is a bad move. Specifically -A-, because I feel he's one of the top ten or so players here, and I'd like to know why he supports it since it seems like such a fundamentally bad move to give up an opportunity to hit a scum.

Because there's nothing to base opinions on and it's basically a shot in the dark. Unless people want to turn it into a vote-claim-change vote piece of shit the first day then.. yeah.

I used to be the exact same way against everything people are mad about now like a year ago and people thought I was batshit insane. I always wanted to lynch shitty town people who wouldn't want to help us near the end, hated no lynches and rushed everything. It's all good and stuff, but it's counterproductive to "take a shot at mafia" when you're taking shots at townies, too. Which could lead to an investigator being forced to claim, be nightkilled and then it fucks up the rest of the game for the rest of the townies.*

That's my take on it, ;).

*Edit: because, of course, the town is reliant on investigations. ;)

Because the board didn't work for months I haven't been able to play Mafia's, but I remember every game I played it had at least 1 or 2 players I knew off the bat would not contribute at all and were just filler. If people start to vote for a certain inactive player to get lynched and he doesn't even try to change the votes then he deserves to be lynched. Why enter a mafia game if you're not going to be active? If they are investigators or mafia trying to lay low then they WILL come out and defend. Meh, I just don't like no-lynch because of the useless players.

Edited by The Quasi Juice
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You always have to be looking for scum, I wouldn't lynch a shitty town person who wouldn't help at the end if I knew he was town, but I'm always going to lynch someone who could be scum, and will be useless even if they aren't. What happens if you no-lynch day 1 and the mafia gets a lucky shot and hits the investigator before he's claimed anything? Then you're still going to have a baseless shot in the dark lynch, it's just going to be on day 2 instead of day 1, with the mafia making up more of the town and therefore having a better chance of manipulating the baseless lynch in their favor.

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Ok, I kind of want someone who's for no-lynching early in games to explain why, because I see it come up a lot, and I'm convinced 99 times out of 100 a no lynch on day 1 is a bad move. Specifically -A-, because I feel he's one of the top ten or so players here, and I'd like to know why he supports it since it seems like such a fundamentally bad move to give up an opportunity to hit a scum.

Because there's nothing to base opinions on and it's basically a shot in the dark. Unless people want to turn it into a vote-claim-change vote piece of shit the first day then.. yeah.

I used to be the exact same way against everything people are mad about now like a year ago and people thought I was batshit insane. I always wanted to lynch shitty town people who wouldn't want to help us near the end, hated no lynches and rushed everything. It's all good and stuff, but it's counterproductive to "take a shot at mafia" when you're taking shots at townies, too. Which could lead to an investigator being forced to claim, be nightkilled and then it fucks up the rest of the game for the rest of the townies.*

That's my take on it, ;).

*Edit: because, of course, the town is reliant on investigations. ;)

Because the board didn't work for months I haven't been able to play Mafia's, but I remember every game I played it had at least 1 or 2 players I knew off the bat would not contribute at all and were just filler. If people start to vote for a certain inactive player to get lynched and he doesn't even try to change the votes then he deserves to be lynched. Why enter a mafia game if you're not going to be active? If they are investigators or mafia trying to lay low then they WILL come out and defend. Meh, I just don't like no-lynch because of the useless players.

I'm not saying don't lynch inactive players, I just don't think you should lynch 'generally inactive' players right off the bat based on reputation alone. Give them a day or two, if they don't respond the gamerunner should generally replace them.

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i think if you vote to no lynch on day 1 your just throwing it away and basically starting day 2 the same way. the only thing you have to go on is what happened at night which relies to heavily on investigators taking a shot in the dark since you likely didn't gather much info on day 1 while you were voting no lynch. i just feel like at some point you have to start discussing and push things through. even if its just lynching a lurker day 1, i think your still helping the town in the end game.

just my opinion. seeing how i've yet to play a game here it probabaly don't stand for much, but my opinion all the same.

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You always have to be looking for scum, I wouldn't lynch a shitty town person who wouldn't help at the end if I knew he was town, but I'm always going to lynch someone who could be scum, and will be useless even if they aren't. What happens if you no-lynch day 1 and the mafia gets a lucky shot and hits the investigator before he's claimed anything? Then you're still going to have a baseless shot in the dark lynch, it's just going to be on day 2 instead of day 1, with the mafia making up more of the town and therefore having a better chance of manipulating the baseless lynch in their favor.

Yes, but if you shot in the dark lynch and then the mafia shot in the dark kill, that's a 2 in how ever many chance that the investigator will be killed by chance as opposed to one. And it's a stupid one at that.

That's why games should start at night. So we don't just sit around saying 'guys.. the fuck?' And then no one wants to start a lynch, then when someone does go on someone too early they get jumped on and it's just a bunch of people jumping on other people for jumping on the first person. Then when a deadline is announced everyones like "hey, we're halfway there" and they just lynch the first guy who hates no lynches and ends up dying because of it. Townies are waaaay too conservative to just let shit go and lynch somebody, that's cool and all, but with that atmosphere the only suitable option that won't have a big clusterfuck is a no lynch. Then people like me get frustrated because people get retarded with their suspicions and scream lynch without listening to much difference. I've seen it happen sooo many times and this is where mafia jump on and lynch the poor fucker who just wanted people to get serious about lynching someone.

And it's never going to be the big name players, who like I said, in most handpicked mafias - are mafia. People are scared to start a lynch with them because they scream their suspicions harder than everyone else and people follow them, and if they don't, people will be like "why try to lynch someone who is THIS GREAT at mafia?".

I'm not sure how to put it in better words than that right now, more shit will eventually come to me but I think that's reasonable.

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i think if you vote to no lynch on day 1 your just throwing it away and basically starting day 2 the same way. the only thing you have to go on is what happened at night which relies to heavily on investigators taking a shot in the dark since you likely didn't gather much info on day 1 while you were voting no lynch. i just feel like at some point you have to start discussing and push things through. even if its just lynching a lurker day 1, i think your still helping the town in the end game.

just my opinion. seeing how i've yet to play a game here it probabaly don't stand for much, but my opinion all the same.

I like this guy's attitude. If only he used capital letters he'd be a keeper. :shifty:

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I wish more people would do like TEOL does (and I think someone else has done it too, RW I wanna say) and show who's not voting in the voting updates.

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If bill brings FOS here I'm gonna hate him, regardless of how good he is. I'm still sore at -A- for saying lylo a couple of times.

And in situations where the town is going round in circles and picking on the smallest things to facilitate a lynch (or just going for the usual suspects like Slogger or a random newbie), maybe then a no lynch is alright. But no lynching because an investigator hasn't come in and shared their results is ridiculous. People who propose no lynches after a page or two of discussion should be shot like stray dogs.

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