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I did include that, just in that bit at the bottom. I try hard to forget about it :(

I should've read the bottom part <_<

I've just noticed that EWB sucks at Kingmaker <_< Unless there's been another one, the town are currently for 0-2 and by the looks of it Catholicism is going to end in a scum victory (or at least that's how it looked last time I checked).

Edit: It actually looks as though they're turning it around a bit

Edited by Footjob Fever
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I fucking hate nightkills. I never die from lynches. Like, I'd do the research if I really cared, but I'd be willing to bet that in like the 90 games I've been in, I've won 14, been nightkilled 104 times and lynched less than 10 times.

I am good with words and convincing. I think that's why I win when I'm not lynched.(I don't think I've been lynched as mafia more than twice, I've won 10 and probably been nightkilled like 6-7 times.)

It's because I devalue peoples opinions and then berate them until they go with my way! I am great with convincing people that what they are doing is shit. Even with non-mafia game cube games. Like Survivor, Big Brother and MCers. I was killleeeeeer in all of those games. :)

And RPS! That has nothing to do with anything. But I was great at RPS!

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I fucking hate nightkills. I never die from lynches. Like, I'd do the research if I really cared, but I'd be willing to bet that in like the 90 games I've been in, I've won 14, been nightkilled 104 times and lynched less than 10 times.

I am good with words and convincing. I think that's why I win when I'm not lynched.(I don't think I've been lynched as mafia more than twice, I've won 10 and probably been nightkilled like 6-7 times.)

It's because I devalue peoples opinions and then berate them until they go with my way! I am great with convincing people that what they are doing is shit. Even with non-mafia game cube games. Like Survivor, Big Brother and MCers. I was killleeeeeer in all of those games. :)

And RPS! That has nothing to do with anything. But I was great at RPS!

That's some fucking achievement.

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Lucky 7 - possibly some of the best all-around town play I've been involved in. Not so much because there were amazing individual plays, but because I don't think any of us really made any errors at all. Josh, LCS and I were the survivors in a game with SSTB and GoGo as mafia.

TradMafIV - the town kind of fell apart in this one. The twist was that everyone had a role or ability that falsely implied the existence of another role in the game. I figured that out, made a decent fakeclaim and then coasted until endgame because it never got going in-thread. MEG almost got himself modkilled in this one, so he can't use it as an example of good play :shifty:

12 Angry Men - really poor from me in this one. I was scum with Sousa and C-MIL and none of us played particularly well. I was a bit grumpy because I thought from the beginning that there was no chance we'd win and I didn't really have anything to actually do as the game progressed.

TradMafV - game lasted about a day and I didn't do anything. I think I actually made a mistake (going after MEG?) but I won anyway because the scum self-destructed.

WMIIA - totally 100% busted MEG in this game to the point where he said he has to change how he plays and also night-killed me.

White House - Norro and I won this game for the scum. Another example of an uninterested town that made our jobs easier. We got to lylo without losing a scum member and then it looked like it was falling apart, but Split lynched oldskool/TRW.

Calvinball - didn't care about this game, got grumpy because it wasn't remotely traditional and got night-killed half way through.

EDIT: I think I've probably got a similar ratio in terms of deaths. I only ever get lynched when I've been investigated as a scum (and sometimes I even manage to avoid that situation ... like Futuramafia :shifty:)

Edited by -A-
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I fucking hate nightkills. I never die from lynches. Like, I'd do the research if I really cared, but I'd be willing to bet that in like the 90 games I've been in, I've won 14, been nightkilled 104 times and lynched less than 10 times.

I am good with words and convincing. I think that's why I win when I'm not lynched.(I don't think I've been lynched as mafia more than twice, I've won 10 and probably been nightkilled like 6-7 times.)

It's because I devalue peoples opinions and then berate them until they go with my way! I am great with convincing people that what they are doing is shit. Even with non-mafia game cube games. Like Survivor, Big Brother and MCers. I was killleeeeeer in all of those games. :)

And RPS! That has nothing to do with anything. But I was great at RPS!

That's some fucking achievement.

That was on purpose <_<. But yeah, it comes naturally.

Also, Judge, TradMaf IV = true. I was awesome until then though <_<, WMIIA? was the best, cause even though you went back to my previous mafia games and did an incredible amount of research that was the exact same as how I was playing(almost word for word), I still nightkilled you and I didn't get another vote against me for the rest of the game. :lol:

I credit that win to the one guy, whom after I killed you, was all "Now let's all jump on MEG now right? :rolleyes:" and that basically just cut down any chance of anyone voting for me at all. In TradMaf V we had a little scuffle and I wanted you to be lynched, too. But we ended up winning anyways.

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Just read back over Perfect 10 Mafia where RW and -A- had an epic argument and then the town lynched -A- and then RW :shifty:

I called Plubby as scum and he killed me the next night. Bastard.

I only usually get lynched when I'm investigated as well. Lights Out I got lynched because of a fuck-up and Catholicism I got lynched because I didn't have any choice but to try to protect Split and when he was lynched the next day I was the logical next step :-/

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I did include that, just in that bit at the bottom. I try hard to forget about it :(

I should've read the bottom part <_<

I've just noticed that EWB sucks at Kingmaker <_< Unless there's been another one, the town are currently for 0-2 and by the looks of it Catholicism is going to end in a scum victory (or at least that's how it looked last time I checked).

Edit: It actually looks as though they're turning it around a bit

No one wants to lynch people unless it's confirmed by an investigator. As if that wasn't enough that investigator who got the result then has to be confirmed by another investigator to make sure the first investigation was legit and by the time that happens all your investigators are dead, active townies get night killed and you're left with lurkers who don't have the slightest idea what's going on because "I'm not that good", or "I'm REALLY confused guys, but don't lynch me even though I'm not helping you at all, kthxbye!". :unsure:

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There's some people in EWB mafia that are never thought to be lynched just by being like "hey, we should put pressure on" votes. Like GoGo, Pesci and Sousa, nobody fucks with 'big name' players in pressure votes because big name players can lead lynches if they really put enough pressure into it.

That's why I loved Super Smash mafia so much with GoGo and Sousa as my teammates. First day I called that we'd win because nobody would fuck with us. Every lynch we wanted to do happened, especially near the end it was complete jokes. Even though GoGo was KNOWN to be the mafia don nobody wanted to lynch him because I kept feeding them bullshit about how he couldn't be killed. Nobody even thought twice and there was not one vote against GoGo for the rest of the game.

Edited by Mr. Evil Guy
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Yeah, Perfect 10 was probably my greatest learning experience in mafia. I think since then I've learnt to put my suspicions in context - if I believe something strongly I argue it strongly, if I believe something slightly I mention it in passing and don't over-state it. It also made me realise that the way someone reacts to defend themselves is almost always more important than the actual accusation. So many people can't put up a believable defence, whereas nothing RW said as that conversation progressed made me more suspicious of him.

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Smash Bros. Mafia was an epic fuckton of fun. Everything played right into our hands until MPH finally got wise to us and killed me, but our scheming was brilliant, from the burial of DMN to the murder of the other Mafia group once it became clear that they were the only threat to us.

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I did include that, just in that bit at the bottom. I try hard to forget about it :(

I should've read the bottom part <_<

I've just noticed that EWB sucks at Kingmaker <_< Unless there's been another one, the town are currently for 0-2 and by the looks of it Catholicism is going to end in a scum victory (or at least that's how it looked last time I checked).

Edit: It actually looks as though they're turning it around a bit

No one wants to lynch people unless it's confirmed by an investigator. As if that wasn't enough that investigator who got the result then has to be confirmed by another investigator to make sure the first investigation was legit and by the time that happens all your investigators are dead, active townies get night killed and you're left with lurkers who don't have the slightest idea what's going on because "I'm not that good", or "I'm REALLY confused guys, but don't lynch me even though I'm not helping you at all, kthxbye!". :unsure:

That's not exclusive to Kingmaker though <_<

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Yeah, Perfect 10 was probably my greatest learning experience in mafia. I think since then I've learnt to put my suspicions in context - if I believe something strongly I argue it strongly, if I believe something slightly I mention it in passing and don't over-state it. It also made me realise that the way someone reacts to defend themselves is almost always more important than the actual accusation. So many people can't put up a believable defence, whereas nothing RW said as that conversation progressed made me more suspicious of him.

That was what got Split killed in Marvel. He played badly enough in the early stages while I was still playing for the town that even though he was ~90% right about me and was the actual investigator, I managed to get the town to think it was the other way around. His lynching of Iron Man was something he was never going to be able to defend and I just beat that horse until it got him lynched. If he'd lived, I'd have been lynched the next day because he surely would have outed me. Good times.

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SSTB was. He's the one I told everyone to lynch. I told LCS I was going to lynch Steeb after I was nightkilled. And then he was like "Yeah, Steeb is my partner".

Only TradMafia my side didn't win. It haunts me til this day. :'(

wait, Ace and thug, too*

EDITed twice cause I mixed up the partners.

Edited by Mr. Evil Guy
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I credit that win to the one guy, whom after I killed you, was all "Now let's all jump on MEG now right? :rolleyes:" and that basically just cut down any chance of anyone voting for me at all. In TradMaf V we had a little scuffle and I wanted you to be lynched, too. But we ended up winning anyways.

I'd like to think you're protecting me by not naming me specifically. However, I'm sure the truth is that you just forgot.

And that's a move that'll haunt me forever.

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I played awesomely in the second Traditional Mafia, scoring big for the town before the mafia killed me near the end. The first one, I played the role of sacrificial lamb, allowing my mafia buddies to jump on my bandwagon.

Yeah, I sucked at Kingmaker. I still don't get how Plubby nailed me.

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I credit that win to the one guy, whom after I killed you, was all "Now let's all jump on MEG now right? :rolleyes:" and that basically just cut down any chance of anyone voting for me at all. In TradMaf V we had a little scuffle and I wanted you to be lynched, too. But we ended up winning anyways.

I'd like to think you're protecting me by not naming me specifically. However, I'm sure the truth is that you just forgot.

And that's a move that'll haunt me forever.

That move > the entire Alphabet mafia town except Norro.

I just looked at that mafia again cause it was my first don win and I rocked it. Hugar told everyone titocoolace was my mafia partner and I was all "Vote: Tito That should be lynch right? :D" and made everyone rethink it. And I was all "Yur gonna die Steeb :D" and completely bluffed Norro into protecting him while I killed Norro, the like, unkillable townie investigator then.

It was pure awesome. I love mafia memories, however gay they may be.

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