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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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You should give up Stand Up Comic mafia too >_>

But then who will be Sam Kinison, Stand Up Comedian aligned Guy with A REALLY SHITTY LOVE LIFE, or Mitch Hedberg, Stand Up Comedian aligned Hey, I look like Brian Kendrick?

TSM posters represent, what what.

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Were you just a straight up SK? Those may be the most difficult roles to win with, historically.

Yes. I had no real way to win because the town investigators played terribly and Pleatherface being an indy made my life difficult because he killed some of my longterm targets. More specific info in tags.

I had to kill one of every alignment, and there were 4 alignments. The mafia alignments only had 2, 3 and 3 people in them so it was a game of trying to lynch a few scummies while killing townies who got in my way while I searched for the Skrulls. Once I killed Avenged I thought the game was won because I thought all I had left was a mafia member to kill. Then my PM killing HTTK got lost, the purple alignment showed up, and I knew I was DOOMED since I thought the mafias were 4/4 and I was the 9th threat. Once TKZ died I couldn't run the risk of lynching too many scummies because then I couldn't kill them. With the townies making up 12/22 of the game it was doable if someone had helped me out inadvertantly, but nothing went my way once I lost out on my HTTK kill which would have kept Pleatherface in the game long enough for me to use his help.

I think I would have been able to win with him, but once WOC blocked my kill of LD it was over for me. Had he not done that I only would have won if I could have convinved the town to lynch essa because I was fairly certain either he or SRR were the remaining purple player and essa would have been seen as more dangerous. However, if WOC hadn't let me know that he was the roleblocker I would have killed SRR last night and then the townies would have rightfully lynched LD today because there would have been 8 dead threats and they thought we were only looking for 9. I would have lost because I wouldn't have been able to kill a Skrull and even if I had killed all of the remaining townies it wouldn't have mattered. I killed over 25% of the participants, pissed one away and still was 2 kills short of victory. If there hadn't been so many legit investigators I might have been able to pull this one off.

To sum up this Norro length post, being the SK sucks donkey meat.

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I think my win conditions in Marvel Mafia were fair, but it sucks that I killed 6 people and still wasn't close to winning. I lost out on a kill due to a PM problem and WOC blocked me from killing LD at a critical stage in the game. It was doable, but people kept running their mouths and I had to thin the herd in a way I didn't want to. It was fun, but I'd be really happy never to play the SK again 'cause it's incredibly hard. I salute anyone who can pull off/has pulled off my set of win conditions from that game.

Were you just a straight up SK? Those may be the most difficult roles to win with, historically.

Yes. I had no real way to win because the town investigators played terribly and Pleatherface being an indy made my life difficult because he killed some of my longterm targets. More specific info in tags.

I had to kill one of every alignment, and there were 4 alignments. The mafia alignments only had 2, 3 and 3 people in them so it was a game of trying to lynch a few scummies while killing townies who got in my way while I searched for the Skrulls. Once I killed Avenged I thought the game was won because I thought all I had left was a mafia member to kill. Then my PM killing HTTK got lost, the purple alignment showed up, and I knew I was DOOMED since I thought the mafias were 4/4 and I was the 9th threat. Once TKZ died I couldn't run the risk of lynching too many scummies because then I couldn't kill them. With the townies making up 12/22 of the game it was doable if someone had helped me out inadvertantly, but nothing went my way once I lost out on my HTTK kill which would have kept Pleatherface in the game long enough for me to use his help.

I think I would have been able to win with him, but once WOC blocked my kill of LD it was over for me. Had he not done that I only would have won if I could have convinved the town to lynch essa because I was fairly certain either he or SRR were the remaining purple player and essa would have been seen as more dangerous. However, if WOC hadn't let me know that he was the roleblocker I would have killed SRR last night and then the townies would have rightfully lynched LD today because there would have been 8 dead threats and they thought we were only looking for 9. I would have lost because I wouldn't have been able to kill a Skrull and even if I had killed all of the remaining townies it wouldn't have mattered. I killed over 25% of the participants, pissed one away and still was 2 kills short of victory. If there hadn't been so many legit investigators I might have been able to pull this one off.

To sum up this Norro length post, being the SK sucks donkey meat.

I'll comment more once the game is over, but yeah, I'll readily admit that your win condition was challenging to say the least.

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Marvel Comics Mafia is finished, so MPH is good to go I reckon.

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What's "the MPH Gambit"?

According to Plubby, who coined the term apparently:

The MPH Gambit is when you say "I'm voting for you, but I don't think you're scum" - it's usually done under the pretense of "I'm just trying to move the game along". When they get lynched, if they're scum you get to look good because you voted for scum, but if they're town you get to say "Told you!"

I just prefer to call it bad play :shifty:

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I dunno there can be times where you lynch someone who you're not the most suspicious of to help progress the game and get information because the majority want to move in that direction. But if you don't think they're scum, in other words you're almost certain they're town then 99% of the time it's the wrong decision.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

If that's at me, I'd argue that most EWBers are unfamiliar enough with The West Wing that they wouldn't put in the effort to come up with a good fake claim.

Plus it discourages roleclaiming and sends people back to looking at who's actually acting suspiciously.

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I think you should be able to come up with a good fakeclaim on your own. I never read Secret Invasion and managed to survive most of the Marvel game based on a bit of info that Blehschmidt gave out in the very beginning and 10 minutes of checking around on Wikipedia. The bluff I pulled out of my ass in Final Fantasy worked too and that didn't take much longer to come up with.

What's the deal with the Boondocks game? If no one's actually going to do it, I'd like to give it a shot but I'd need some help with the tactical side of balancing a game. I could write the story and pick out characters pretty easily, but I'm not really sure what to do in order to make the game fair since I almost always get the same 2 or 3 roles.

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It depends how vast the source material is and how many roles are in the game. I'm always wary of people who claim fringe characters because most of the time they're just scum who've checked the Wiki and picked somebody they're hoping isn't in the game. I'm much more convinced by ability claiming.

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The bluff I pulled out of my ass in Final Fantasy worked too

I have no idea why, either, considering you invented a character that didn't exist and then claimed a ridiculous ability to attach to it. That was madness.

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The bluff I pulled out of my ass in Final Fantasy worked too

I have no idea why, either, considering you invented a character that didn't exist and then claimed a ridiculous ability to attach to it. That was madness.

Pizzamonkey wouldn't risk death. That was the one thing I was certain of in that game. The fact I claimed that I could definitely kill you swung the town to my side and after that it was cake. The funny thing was if Sephiroth actually HAD the black materia, I would have had it at the point when I made the claim because I would have scavenged his body for it. I also violated your corpse in that game :pervert:

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I felt kind of retarded after you pulled a Lich claim out of your ass and I bought it and then went back and played Final Fantasy I where Lich is a freaking boss.

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