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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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Depends on the game tbh. Themed games I try to put some colour in (even when I'm not feeling it, like I obviously wasn't for NGE Mafia, but no one but stok cared and he wasn't in the game), Trad Maf I've always made a point of keeping the updates as basic as possible.

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Thanks for the input guys. I've been debating about it as I have my Marvel came coming up fairly soon and couldn't decide on which avenue to explore.

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Depends on the game tbh. Themed games I try to put some colour in (even when I'm not feeling it, like I obviously wasn't for NGE Mafia, but no one but stok cared and he wasn't in the game), Trad Maf I've always made a point of keeping the updates as basic as possible.

This man's got it. Themed games deserve some sort of moderately lengthed write-up at least, unless no one's send in any night actions. Traditional games can keep it simple and basic.

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So, okay. I have what I believe is the final draft of roles for Fallout Mafia (I switched one or two a couple times lately). I was wondering if someone who isn't planning to be involved for whatever reason could help me to verify it's not too too unbalanced.

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Now I want to work out a Royal Rumble mafia. But how.....I mean it's every man for himself, how the hell would that work. And the whole "two people start"...and "every 2 minutes another enters", that just seems clunky.

What I'm going with now is having players be unable to be eliminated until they're actually in the ring, with roles being entry numbers. Each day and night is "another 2 minutes" for another entry, and the "winner" is whoever lasts the longest according to their role number. Or I could do it Survivor style where everybody has different powers they can use to make themselves a threat to other people, and it just turns into a clusterfuck where a voting panel decides the winner.

Hence why this is in the discussion thread and not the waiting list one.

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Now I want to work out a Royal Rumble mafia. But how.....I mean it's every man for himself, how the hell would that work. And the whole "two people start"...and "every 2 minutes another enters", that just seems clunky.

What I'm going with now is having players be unable to be eliminated until they're actually in the ring, with roles being entry numbers. Each day and night is "another 2 minutes" for another entry, and the "winner" is whoever lasts the longest according to their role number. Or I could do it Survivor style where everybody has different powers they can use to make themselves a threat to other people, and it just turns into a clusterfuck where a voting panel decides the winner.

Hence why this is in the discussion thread and not the waiting list one.

Doesn't really sound like a Mafia to me. You're better off doing it in the Cube.

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I want to bounce a role off someone and my usual Ideas man is not replying to my MSN messages. Can anyone who can help hit me up on MSN in the next 15-20 mins?


I can't use MSN since I'm at work, but you could PM me?
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So, I have a question to pose. LittleDaniel and I have come up with a game we wanted to run that's got elements of different games included in it, and some are aspects of mafia(like night kills, and lynches[but they are private, not open votes]). I'd say the game is more survivor like with a mafia twist to it. We thought that it would be fine to run the game in the cube, but we've been told it would have to go on the waiting list, which took the wind out of the sail more or less since we both have games on the list right now.

I'm just curious to know what everyone else thinks.

Here's how the game would work-

There are five teams of four. The original concept of it was inspired by a japanese wrestling promotion called Dragon Gate Wrestling, where basically the entire roster of the promotion is splintered into groups or stables. So accordingly, I created the teams and role names based upon them. However, the names and affiliations is as far as it goes - no one has night abilities or anything fancy, you'd simply be given your name, a picture of the wrestler and what affiliation he is. Using the wrestlers is really just a small aspect of the game and is just used to give it a certain creative side, rather then use everyones real names and blatantly take rules from Survivor :P

At the beginning of the game, the teams would, via PM, vote for who would be the team captain. The team captain is final. In the thread, the team captains are revealed by us and are immune to "night kills" and "lynches" as long as there is at least one other member on their team. Effectively, the captain would be the only member revealed on a team unless someone is eliminated. If the team rosters were revealed to everyone, it would become a simple numbers game and people would eliminate an entire group quickly.

After the captains are chosen, we move into the first "day" phase. During the day phases, challenges are posed to the five team captains and five wild card players. These wild card players are the first five to post in the thread after the challenge is posted. This will ensure that the challenges are being posed to active players. When someone wins, we will say "X's team wins," thereby keeping which team they are on secret. Basically, the challenges would be anything from answering a number of questions right, finding a certain image, looking for an image posted in topics, or even something more creative(Dan and I created a war style card challenge to use that utilizes round robin seedings and a random card generator).

The winning team is granted a "night kill", and the winning members will be immune to being eliminated in the voting elimination. After a team has won, the captain will send in the name of a player he wishes to eliminate from the game. Teams are allowed to talk to one another outside of the thread.

At the same time, there is a voting elimination amongst the entire roster - similiar to an elimination in Survivor. All players send us votes for who they wish to be eliminated from the game. Whoever has the most votes in 24 hours is eliminated. Only then will it reveal what group the player was in upon elimination.

This cycle continues until there is only one team left.

So I guess the questions I'd like to pose are this:

- Do you think the game will work out?

- If so, is it a mafia, and where should it be played?

Thanks :D

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  • Admin

Like I said to LD, if you want to run it as a Mafia, it goes on the Waiting List.

However, if you prefer to run it in the Cube as just a game (like FD's Survivor, which will be moved shortly), you're more than welcome too (Y)

That being said, I don't want to see a surge in games that are Mafias in disguise popping up in the Cube just to get round the waiting list either :angry:

Edited by Rabid Wolverine
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