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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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Since my next game, Lights Out Mafia, requires almost no further planning or that much work, I'm trying to decide what to do next. I'll take a bit of a break, but I've got a few things I'm considering. If Reality TV Mafia is a success, I definitely want to do another one, but I'll wait to see what the response is once that's completed. I might also do a proper Drawn Together Mafia if people prefer that. I'm also very keen on a Discworld Mafia - it's the only heavily themed game I really want to do (especially since there are literally over a hundred characters I'd consider putting in the game.) Lastly, I've got the beginnings of an idea based on different combat styles. You'd have characters like the Drunken Master Expert, Abu Dhabi Champion or the Sambo Specialist. It may or may not be called Martial Arts Fusion: International Academy :shifty: Any of these ideas seem like they'd be particularly good or bad to anyone?

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Although, I wouldn't mind seeing a mafia which mixes real reality tv "stars" and Drawn Together characters, combining the Jew Producer's shows in one supermafia.*

*Note: "SuperMafia" does not indicate that it has to have like fifty roles. Fifteen will do just fine.

Edited by LittleDaniel
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I have been thinking about this since Jobber Mafia II (and recently in Devil's Rejects)......the bodyguard role kinda sucks. If you use your ability, there is little chance you will live. I was thinking, maybe if the person they died protecting survives, they win as well? Random thought.

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It's all up to the mod, really. There's plenty of characters in Mage Wars I've been thinking about which are town, but have seperate win conditions. But then I thought things might actually somehow just not fit together.

Also, the latest round in MPH Who's Line mafia is a bitch.

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I have been thinking about this since Jobber Mafia II (and recently in Devil's Rejects)......the bodyguard role kinda sucks. If you use your ability, there is little chance you will live. I was thinking, maybe if the person they died protecting survives, they win as well? Random thought.

But that's the point of the ability - you use it if you judge that there's someone whose survival is more important than your own. It's not all about surviving til the end, if you make a good contribution to the town winning you've still played well.

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Not a doctor/protector as such, but a bodyguard. Because if your role is to protect a specific person and you have to take a bullet for them before they die, surely you should get something for their survival. Considering that is your goal and all.

If it were a doctor with that win condition, he could just protect as many people as possible hoping that one of them may well survive. You know?

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I think we might've crossed wires at some point. I *think* Ruki was talking about a bodyguard role where you have the option of protecting any player, but you die if they're targeted with a night-kill. I think the term can probably also be used for a henchman kind of role (like MARIO Mafia) where you die if a specified character is attacked without you having to do anything. If it's the latter, well ... you haven't done anything to be worthy of reward. Your disability was unlucky, but you died because someone else targeted the mayor, that's it. Your goal, as with all Town players, is to make sure all the scum die. If you have any other kind of objective, you're not Town-aligned.

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I would hope there aren't players selfish enough to put their own personal survival ahead of their team's victory. I'm perfectly happy to consider my team's victory after I die a win for me. Usually, though, they lose and I don't have to take the blame <_<

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I would hope there aren't players selfish enough to put their own personal survival ahead of their team's victory. I'm perfectly happy to consider my team's victory after I die a win for me. Usually, though, they lose and I don't have to take the blame <_<

That was the whole thing around Matt not protecting anyone in the case that he might die. -A- I agree with you about the bodyguard role, but I believe people can be town aligned and have an alternative win objective to the rest of the town. It worked nicely in The Game Cube Mafia, and I think it can work in other cases as well.

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