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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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I feel bad, I should be number four..remember how I screwed up the town in jobber mafia I? C'mon! I demand a notch higher!!

Why would we put a performance from a game you were town in in a list of the five worst scum performances ever?

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Do people prefer playing as Town or Mafia? I've got a massive preference for playing as Town, myself. I get more satisfaction out of spotting a scum fuck-up than I do from avoiding making one myself. The chances for making an amazing play are probably more with the scum, but you're just as likely to be successful by being as non-committal as possible and I can't be arsed with that.

Similarly, any favourite abilities? Like being a protector, investigator or vig? I've been a vigilante at least three times on this board and never played particularly well. It still rankles me that I was lynched by the town in Silent Hill Mafia in one of the silliest plays I've ever seen. Particularly because after I was revealed as town they still didn't lynch Zan :/ On the other hand, I love having an auto-lynch, even if I've twice been killed without getting a chance to use them. I've only been an investigator once on these boards and that was years ago in Ace's (I think) Buffy/Angel Mafia. Protector tends to be pretty boring. I usually end up picking someone and then protecting them to the end, as I did in Ah-nold Mafia and DCDM. Not particularly exciting, even though it can be a vital role.

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I enjoy being mafia, except when in I am mafia IN ALL GAMES I PLAY, then it's kinda old. As for abilities? I like investigative, and of course, killing. I wouldn't mind being a cult leader again, or getting another crack at being an SK (Firesale Mafia was awesome...so close to winning).

Edit: Bored, so I checked how many posts I have in this thread....out of the three-some-odd-thousand, I have the most at 308 :/

Edited by Ruki the Driller
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I prefer town, because I'm utterly shit at being scum. I'd actually like to play well as scum but I don't think I've ever got anywhere near winning as scum. I get investigator ALL the time, I'd probably say half the time that I'm town I'm an investigator - and I'm shit at it because I can't ever find scum <_<

I'd like to be a SK, just once.

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I think I'd like being mafia more if there were more games with only one mafia group. I quite like to be as vocal and pro-town as possible when I'm scum, but you're likely to get night-killed by the other mafia or investigated by curious townies if you do that.

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I think it's one of those things that leads to trouble if you're known for doing it. I don't really like the idea of conversation focused around 'who would -A- give the Don role to?' or 'Wouldn't there be a good-reputation player in the mafia?' Conversation focused around the game thread rather than meta-gaming makes for a better game IMO.

Edited by -A-
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