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The fact that Ruki got modkilled for it pretty much confirms that's the general form of how one would submit an assassination attempt.

EDIT: I'm just pissed that the game's now got one less guard, and the assassins are given a free kill because TEOL couldn't bother to put in a "Don't post such-and-such unless you're an assassin or you're dead" rule.

Edited by oldskool
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That's another problem entirely though. Ruki, a confirmed Guard, posted an ambiguous command that might've drawn a reaction from someone. I can understand that being a modkillable offence if it's clearly stated. The fact that his death confirms that 'Kill: Person' is the command doesn't really matter because the information doesn't do us any good.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

It's in the rules (TEOL's rules and my rules at least) that you don't do anything to go against the spirit of the game. If that's not going against the spirit of the game, I don't know what is.

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Before having it explained to me, the only thing I thought that would be going against the spirit of the game would be revealing who the king and queen are. After having it explained though, I realize what I did was wrong...but it should have been explained in the rules, in my opinion at least. But a busy day, get mod killed, and banned from two people's games.

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Added to that, I think people have an instinct to want to put likeable people in the mafia so that the game doesn't get altered because people lynched HTTK because he's a prick.

awww boo hoo ... no lynches are still queer outside of opening day.

Thank you for proving his point.

What do you expect when people go around calling me a prick or an asshole for no reason ?

If people are going to do that, I might as well get the satisfaction of being one.

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It's in the rules (TEOL's rules and my rules at least) that you don't do anything to go against the spirit of the game. If that's not going against the spirit of the game, I don't know what is.

The spirit of the game according to TEOL is "Find scum, kill scum". How is a tactic guaranteed to find scum that is not outlawed until after somebody tries it and even then it isn't even explained (I had to ask here, for god's sake) against the spirit of the game?

It's a loophole that TEOL should've closed. He didn't close it, Ruki did something the rules should've expressly said not to do, had to be modkilled for it due to the fact that that method breaks the game, and the assassins get a free percentage boost to winning the game as they've now got one less target.

Furthermore, this, to my knowledge, is the first "assassins in the palace" game we've played here; you HAVE to be ultra-specific in your rules the first time. Can you imagine how far mafia would've gotten on EWB if Zan had left out any of the "common sense" rules virtually everyone C&Ps (well not really, now I can't find a copy in any of the running games to cite <_<)

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That's why that strategy is banned and mod-killable, because it ruins the game. If you can do that, then there's no point playing.

I don't see it in the rules, and what's the point of rules if mod-killable offenses aren't listed?

I don't have the PM anymore, but the jist of it, was that TEOL didn't think he needed to put it, as he didn't think anyone was that stupid to do what I did.

Then TEOL is a fucking moron, because if it's not illegal, everyone already agrees it's curtains for the assassins and therefore we'd be idiots not to do it.

Yeah, I should've posted it, and I've seen Assassins in the Palace games that have specifically banned it in the past, but I thought that (as several players did) people would immediately see that it was covered under the 'don't do anything against the spirit of the game' rule. Also,

Furthermore, this, to my knowledge, is the first "assassins in the palace" game we've played here; you HAVE to be ultra-specific in your rules the first time. Can you imagine how far mafia would've gotten on EWB if Zan had left out any of the "common sense" rules virtually everyone C&Ps (well not really, now I can't find a copy in any of the running games to cite <_<)

is retarded because, besides the Assassins in the Palace additional rules, the rules in the first post of Trad Maf V ARE Zan's rules. And the 'don't do anything against the spirit of the game' rule? That's Zan's rule too. Don't blame me because you were too lazy to learn it. (and that's directed at oldskool, not Ruki, who I've already had the conversation with and who I've reached an understanding with - but you are just acting like I didn't have the right and I've explained everything perfectly well imo.)

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Vote Count

Mr. Evil Guy - 2 (-A-, FlatDoughnut)

FlatDoughnut - 6 (Mr. Potato Head, Pesci, Mr. Evil Guy, Essa, C-MIL, Sousa)

FlatDoughnut is lynched. He was an Assassin. No votes may be cast now until FD posts his kill.

Also, thanks to Ruki for helping me double check the votes. Don't let the typing fool you, I'm very drunk right now. <_<

:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

Holy shit, well played guards, well fucking played. Rarely do we see even in a standard mafia game a scum get hit off a random bandwagon right off the start.

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To be fair, it's a small game. <_<

Still, odds of a hit off the first lynch weren't exactly that great. It was easier once Ruki was modkilled, but it was still a longshot, and they made it. Not bad at all.

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I believe I lead my team to a perfect victory in my last small game. Even after I epically punted our first chance to do it.

Also, I just finished reading eight pages of bullshit over the queue system. How the fuck did this come up, because as I understood it, there was no flaws with it outside of people being impatient pricks.

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A better what? Queue system? I noticed that Golden City Games count as Traditional Mafias, which I agree with and endorse - that was the point of them after all.

The Queue system I saw proposed put bullshit ADDITIONAL restrictions on games which will actually make games cycle through slower. Hopefully it wasnt that "1 trad, 1 small, 2 medium, 1 voted, 1 whatever the other one was" thing because ima have to come up outta my chair if it was.

Edited by Plubby
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