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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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Guest Mr. Potato Head
And yes FD, I've got West Wing Mafia on reserve. Sorry! Sort of.


EDIT: Mafia on the Sunset Strip is being reserved by me. :)

I've reserved that one too. But you can have it because I'd rather do TWW :shifty:

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I have been trying to, but I think I'm too opinionated, and sometimes my arguments meander into the classic Ron White "Oh yeah, well Fuck you!" because I'm too lazy to form a conscious argument. So it's usually better for all if I stick to The Dome mostly. :D

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I played one when I first joined the board a while back and enjoyed it quite well actually. I was making a joke above. The main reason I don't venture out of the Dome is because there are so many topics, and a lot of them I have no interest in. So I stick with what interests me, which isn't much outside of The Dome, and a few things in The Cube.

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In Scrubs I was 'Dr Grace Miller' and my ability was that if any males targetted me, because I'm a 'strong individual female' I wouldn't accept their help.

Oh yeah, and went from being Sacred Heart aligned to being BoD aligned on Day Two and could kill if my Don sent me out. Except, you know, I didn't know WHO my don was.

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Hell, I'll run a Scrubs mafia when MythMaf is over and I put it through the waiting list if you people want. I love the show, I wouldn't be fussed to run a Scrubs Mafia game that wouldn't suck >_>

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