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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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So, those who run smaller games get a better chance of running one. I like the whole idea, I think it evens things up a lot. You said their's no room for expanding, what happens if you don't get enough sign ups? Say for example a 35+ planned game got 21 sign ups. Would it still go through as that'd count as a medium sized game?

When does that happen? In the case that it did I guess the game would be dropped because there wasn't enough interest. After all removing plaeyrs fromt he game will unbalance it in the same way adding to it does.

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I would say if the game can be re-balanced to the lower signup number then it should just run in the "big mafia" window. Otherwise you run into the "what if there are 2 medium mafias that just started, do we run 3?"/"what if one medium is about to end, does the big game with less interest take its medium slot or does the guy next in the medium line go?" questions that don't really have fair answers.

With less people it'll run faster, so ideally nobody who's behind it in the large mafia line will mind as it'll just mean they're up that much quicker.

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I dig the new protocol. My only additional comment regards the "48 hours to post a sign-up thread" bit. It says if you don't do that in time, your game gets scrapped. Should we not allow for extenuating circumstances? The penalty seems a bit harsh, presently. However, if I'm the only one thinking this, I can just go with the flow.

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I dig the new protocol. My only additional comment regards the "48 hours to post a sign-up thread" bit. It says if you don't do that in time, your game gets scrapped. Should we not allow for extenuating circumstances? The penalty seems a bit harsh, presently. However, if I'm the only one thinking this, I can just go with the flow.

I would agree, I'd say if you don't post your sign-ups in 48 hours the game below you goes and you go to the top of the list. Miss the sign-ups twice, you're off the list. Just seems like someone can busy for two days and then would have to wait another month or so to perhaps get a shot.


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