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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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I'm not opposed to a poll but I just don't think it'll work that great. I mean if we have 15 mafias ready to run, that's a big-ass poll to be running, and we'll end up with a 4v3v3v3 "winner"; what do we do, do we go with the game 4 out of the top 13 people wanted or do we run another poll with the top few votegetters for a more noticeable majority?

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I'm not opposed to a poll but I just don't think it'll work that great. I mean if we have 15 mafias ready to run, that's a big-ass poll to be running, and we'll end up with a 4v3v3v3 "winner"; what do we do, do we go with the game 4 out of the top 13 people wanted or do we run another poll with the top few votegetters for a more noticeable majority?

Given that there's probably about 40 people that play mafia on here, the chances are that the poll wouldn't be anywhere near balanced. There'd undoubtably be some games that get very few votes and some that would get a lot of votes.

You could perhaps restrict the list to the top 10 or something but I don't think there'd be more than 10 people that have games ready to run at one point in time.

It has to be worth a try.

Edited by - Matt -
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I think that'd get very repetitive and I'm not even sure it's the best system. As Pesci said, making the public vote a large part of the process doesn't really give an even spread of games between person running them or topic. If it's a waiting list primarily, with an occasional public vote to moderate that then the poll's meaningful and there's less room for disputing the list. If the poll is massively significant then it's even more of a departure from 'run your own game when you like' that'll make it damn hard for someone new to run a game.

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The list doesn't matter, making mafia games better for all of us does. The list isn't there as a separate entity that has to be respected - if we see a rule change that improves things, we do it - it doesn't matter whether it changes the idea we had before.

But the list is supposed to be doing its job of making Mafia games better. I think Pesci's saying that if we have to deliberately weaken the list in order to improve Mafia for people, it's obviously not doing that job, so why keep it?

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Because an adulterated version of the list is determined to be better than a free-for-all? We're deciding between the FFA, a draconian list, or something in between. Just because people have made suggestions that improve the system doesn't mean the entire list must go. A modified version of the list is still far better and fairer than a system where the only way to run your game is to be online when the last one finishes.

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Agreed, but I can't see one. Something along the lines of 'a list with lots of checks and balances' is the best I can think of. If we get the popular vote thing going and we use game sizes as a way of speeding things up, then things will start looking rosier.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

I have to say that judging by the waiting list thread, a lot of the upcoming games are a lot smaller than most EWB mafias have been recently. This alone might be enough to save the Game Cube.

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I have to say that judging by the waiting list thread, a lot of the upcoming games are a lot smaller than most EWB mafias have been recently. This alone might be enough to save the Game Cube.

Until people start adding additional roles.

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  • Admin
I have to say that judging by the waiting list thread, a lot of the upcoming games are a lot smaller than most EWB mafias have been recently. This alone might be enough to save the Game Cube.

Until people start adding additional roles.

They won't if they don't want me to close their threads.

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Anyone remember how I once said that I'd never join a game run by somebody who I wasn't 100% sure would do a good job of it?

I should have listened to me.

Which game? :P

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Scrubs. :P

Eh, I'm loving my role. I could imagine there's going to be some that are going to be pretty awful though, it was a last minute decision on my part to join and thus far I've not regretted it.

We'll see though >_>

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