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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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For my two cents, I think the problem lies with all the things I put down, plus one more - the application of the GM.

I do think there is a problem with more people wanting to create than play, I point you to a waiting list nearly 30 strong, yet the games currently running are hardly thriving with activity.

I think that people who sign up for games should be fully prepared to accept they may just get a vanilla townie role. If you don't get an ability, don't just "sulk" and become inactive, use your mind to join in - that's the point of Mafia anyway.

I think very few people are capable of running a succesful game of more than 20 players on this board. First time runners - always start small.

I think some of the GM's are to blame too - they should take responsibility for their games to keep the momentum going. No lynch discussion? Set a lynch deadline. Also, set a deadline for night actions and stick to it - for both the player and GM. If you want all actions by 9pm Tuesday, I don't want the write-up to be coming at 9pm on Friday. If you haven't had all the actions, don't extend the deadline, let them go unused. If you don't have the time to run a game, then don't run one.

Now, I'm unsure as to the future of the waiting list - part of me knows it doesn't work as well as it could, but another part of me knows we do need something to prevent the chaos that was forming before.

But I'm also looking at these stats:

Diary Cube Diary Mafia - Started on 7th October, Currently up to Day 7

Mythology Mafia - Started on 15th October, Currently up to Day 3

Futuramafia - Started on 28th October, Currently up to Day 2

Mage Wars Mafia - Started on 31st October, Currently up to Day 3

No offence guys, but it's November 18th now. That means you've had at least 3 weeks (more in some cases), which seems to be a rough average completion time for many past Mafias. Maybe a little work on pacing is required? A good game needs to keep moving somewhat, or people will start to lose interest.

At the end of the day, any suggestions that can improve this place will be listened to - but before anyone jumps in with "Get rid of the list", please remember it was voted for by the majority. If it's to be gotten rid of, please suggest a viable replacement.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

One idea that I believe was mentioned in here (Sousa and I came to parts of it independently), would be adapting the list to sort games by size. Every game would be classified as small, medium, or large, and two of each size would be allowed to run at a time.

This way there's always a fair bit of turnover because there's always a couple smaller games being ran by those who just want to run a game.

What does everyone else think of that idea?

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One idea that I believe was mentioned in here (Sousa and I came to parts of it independently), would be adapting the list to sort games by size. Every game would be classified as small, medium, or large, and two of each size would be allowed to run at a time.

This way there's always a fair bit of turnover because there's always a couple smaller games being ran by those who just want to run a game.

What does everyone else think of that idea?

I likes it. Perhaps it would encourage some role paring (i.e. run 2 20-person *insert gimmick* mafias instead of 1 40-person *insert gimmick* mafia), so the games would run faster.

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  • Admin

MPH's idea may have some legs, but I'd be tempted to do something like;

1 "Newbie" Mafia at a time

1 "Massive" Theme Mafia at a time (say, 24 players or more)

2 "Medium" Theme Mafias at a time (11 - 23 players)

1 "Small" Theme Mafia at a time (3 - 10 players)

1 Traditional Mafia at a time

That way we should have something for everyone. Of course, this is just an inital suggestion.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

I don't like the idea of deviating between 'themed' and 'traditional' games...where does the line get drawn? Which would Twelve Angry Men be?

And newbie mafias are a horrible idea simply because there's no way to conclusively decide who's a newbie.

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  • Admin
I don't like the idea of deviating between 'themed' and 'traditional' games...where does the line get drawn? Which would Twelve Angry Men be?

"Traditional" in the sense of no power roles, just straight up Town & Mafia - so 12 Angry Men would be Traditional

And newbie mafias are a horrible idea simply because there's no way to conclusively decide who's a newbie.

I'd say there is - it's easy to tell which players have Mafia experience and which don't. It's going to be pretty easy to spot someone like you or Pesci trying to sign up for it :P

I'd suggest broadening the 'small' category a bit. While running games with ten players or less is easy and can be done, it's not common on EWB.

Good point.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

Sure, but is justblaze allowed to be a newbie even though he's been through many games? What about someone like stok who's only been a couple, but is by nature good at the game?

And I still don't see the point differentiating between traditional and themed...a 12-player traditional game has a lot more in common with a 12-player themed game than with a 32-player traditional game.

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Newbie games should have one or two experienced players anyway, for the newbies to learn from. And they should be very small. Max of about seven players.

I would disagree with your definition of traditional games, but I do think a slot should be reserved for them.

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