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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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Since The Wire Mafia is finished and the dissection will be done tomorrow, I'll be getting that Newbie Mafia thing started soon. The way I imagine it working is that there's a thread in the Seventh Side clearly marked 'New to Mafia? LOOK HERE!' and then people can register their interest in playing the newbie games. Whenever the list gets to 7 people, I'll start a game. Since it'll involve people who aren't necessarily checking the Game Cube regularly, I want the average time between registering interest and a game starting to be as small as possible. RW's given his blessing for the games to go ahead as soon as there's enough interest, since they won't involve all the same people from the other games and so won't detract from their activity. Added to this, new people aren't checking in as often as the regulars, so if they have to wait around a month or more to play a game, they'll just drift away.

I'm still firmly of the belief that you learn by doing more than learn by being shown what to do, which is why I hope the games won't involve Big Names with Big Brains (though anyone can sign up, there are no restrictions.) What would be good (I think this was suggested by oldskool) would be getting someone who's well-respected to do a quick recap of the game when it's done so people can be praised for good work and suggestions made about what would be better. Ideally, more than one person can do one for each game, independently, so the guys involved realise that there's rarely a single 'right' way of doing things. Anyone interested? Are there any other suggestions for making this work better?

Edited by -A-
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... well, we're officially scraping the bottom of the barrel now.

I thought Food Mafia indicated that we'd hit the bottom of the barrel.

Anyway, as long as there's a demand for Tick Mafia sequels, there will never be a bottom of the barrel goddammit.

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OK, seriously, how much longer can this go on for? We've got almost thirty games on the waiting list and games taking well over a month to complete. I don't care what solution we have as long as it's a solution that isn't slower than molasses going uphill in January on crutches.

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Yes, because I'm not in any games right now and can't sign up for any new ones. <_<

Don't act like I didn't give the system a chance. I was assured there would be a veritable clearing house using the list. And here we are and it's actually grown longer. Explain why I'm supposed to care about Mafia games right now.

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